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AC 13 (natural armor)

HP 126 (11d12 + 55; bloodied 63)

Speed 40 ft.

Proficiency +3; Maneuver DC 16

Skills Animal Handling +3, Survival +3

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages Giant

Panicked Rage. While a cyclops is frightened and the source of its fear is in sight, it makes attack rolls with advantage instead of disadvantage .

Poor Depth Perception. The cyclops makes all ranged attacks with disadvantage .


Multiattack. The cyclops makes two melee attacks.

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft. (see Poor Depth Perception), one target. Hit: 32 (5d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.


Thick Skulled (1/Day). The cyclops can end one condition on itself that was imposed through a failed Wisdom saving throw .


Big Windup. When a creature hits the cyclops with a melee attack, the cyclops readies a powerful strike against its attacker. The cyclops has advantage on the next club attack it makes against the attacker before the end of its next turn.


The cyclops throws rocks when it can’t reach its foe but it prefers melee. It uses its club attack on whichever creature it has targeted with Big Windup. It may retreat or surrender if reduced to 30 hit points or fewer, unless it is too enraged to notice its wounds.


Arges, Hephontus, Tiryn, Yellow-Eye

Legends and Lore

With a History or Nature check, characters can learn the following:

DC 10 Cyclopes are simple, one-eyed giants who often live in caves or ruins.

DC 15 Cyclopes are not always hostile, but they rarely respond well to creatures who move or talk too quickly.


The cyclops is a fearsome, one-eyed giant. Though imposing in size and strength, it lacks anything resembling a quick wit or critical thinking skills, making it easy to trick.

Simple Folk. Cyclopes live isolated lives, either completely alone or with a small family group, raising sheep and other herd animals and bartering with their own kind. They are not interested in greater intellectual pursuits and do not fare well in social situations or at games of wit or reason. Illusions confuse them, riddles frustrate them, and flashy displays of magic can cause an aggressive cyclops to back off quick. Adventurers must be wary, however: there’s a fine line between intimidating and terrifying, and a panicked cyclops is even more violent than an angry one.


Wilderness Behavior

1 Guarding prisoners for when it gets hungry

2 Tending livestock such as giant goats

3 Ripping down a tree to craft a club

4 Living in an ancient ruined shrine, using a fallen statue as a bench 

Underground Behavior

1 Trying to smash a locked or stuck door

2 Herding giant spiders

3 Patrolling for an evil master

4 a wise cyclops seer with the ability to cast arcane eye once per day: will give you information for food and treasure


1 Filthy, musty smell

2 Distant hoarse bellowing

3 A splintered club or shattered boulder

4 Immense bare footprints 

5 The ground trembles with distant, huge footfalls

6 A corpse pinned beneath a big rock


Cyclopes make their homes in caves, ruins, forests, or other far-flung locales.

CR 5–10 cyclops ; cyclops with ogre ; cyclops with 1d4 + 2 goblins ; cyclops with 1d4 giant goats

Treasure 500 gp, 1,100 sp, dozens of marble figurines of cyclopes of all ages (250 gp)

CR 11–15 2 cyclopes ; cyclops with 2 or 3 cave bears ; cyclops myrmidon  

Treasure 1,800 gp, gold ewer (750 gp), potion of supreme healing , single eye of minute seeing , shield of missile attraction

Monster Type Description

Giants look like immense humanoids, standing from 10 feet tall (like ogres ) to 30 (like storm giants ). Some giants, like trolls , have human-like shapes but monstrous features.