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th tier (
(1 hour)

A massive herd of stampeding animals are racing towards the party with little to no regard for what’s in their way! 

Up and Away. The use of fly , levitate , rope trick , or similar magic triggers an automatic success for that adventurer.

Possible Solutions

Each adventurer decides for themselves how to avoid the stampede as part of a group check.

  • An Acrobatics or Athletics check can outrun the herd. This check is made with disadvantage if the adventurers have pack animals with them.
  • An Animal Handling check diverts the herd. Anyone able to speak to animals (from a class feature or spell) has advantage .
  • A Survival check to search for high ground to wait it out.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure: Each adventurer suffers a level of fatigue and the party loses a pack animal, if they have one.

Failure: Each adventurer suffers a level of fatigue

Success: The adventurers successfully avoid the stampede and continue on their way.

Critical Success: The adventurers successfully avoid the stampede. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.