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Black Dragon Pool Trap

nd tier (
(less than 1 hour)

The floor of this area is sunken like a tiled pool or bath and filled with three feet of cloudy water. Half submerged in the liquid are three stone cylinders sitting on their edges like wheels.

What seems to be water is actually acid. A creature or object that enters the acid triggers a Failure.

Pool. The pool’s liquid is cloudy, but not so much that it obscures the enameled tiles that line the bottom of the pool, which are painted with black dragon heads. A Perception check, or sniffing the air, reveals a sharp, acidic smell.

Cylinders. The stone cylinders are four feet in diameter and one foot long. They can be rolled in straight lines back and forth across the pool. An Investigation check reveals a footprint on one of the cylinders.

Possible Solutions
  • A creature can make a Dexterity check to jump on a cylinder and roll it across the pool.
  • If the adventurers gather suitable materials, they can make an Engineering check to build a bridge or arrange stepping stones across the pool.
  • A creature can jump over the pool.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure or Failure. A creature that enters the pool for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there makes a Constitution saving throw , taking 42 (12d6) acid damage on a failure or half damage on a success. Metal objects, as well as organic objects such as wood, cloth, or rope, also take this damage. Other inorganic materials, such as glass and stone, are unaffected.

A creature takes full damage from the trap only if partially or completely submerged in the acid. A creature that is merely touched or splashed by the acid instead takes 7 (2d6) acid damage or half damage on a success.

Success or Critical Success. The creature avoids the pool.