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Commanding Voice

th tier (
(less than 1 hour)

A bas relief of an angry deity glowers from the wall.

Approaching within 10 feet of the bas relief without displaying the god’s holy symbol triggers a Critical Failure.

Exploration. A creature that makes a Religion check identifies the name and holy symbol of the depicted god. A Perception check or an examination of the bas relief reveals a tiny magic glyph near the god’s mouth. A creature that makes an up-close Investigation check automatically finds the glyph but may trigger the trap.

Magical Effect. This is a magical effect created by enchantment magic. Casting dispel magic on the bas relief requires a spellcasting ability check and triggers a Critical Success.

Mark of Favor. A creature wearing or holding the appropriate holy symbol as it approaches the bas relief triggers a Success.

Possible Solutions
  • A creature can make a thieves’ tools check to scrape away the glyph, or make an attack roll with a bludgeoning weapon against AC 15 to destroy the bas relief.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure. The bas relief casts command (DC 13) on each creature within 60 feet, ordering them to “Flee!” The booming voice can be heard up to 300 feet away.

Failure. As a Critical Failure, except only the triggering creature is affected.

Success. The trap is disabled but resets after 1 minute.

Critical Success. The trap is permanently disabled.