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Flammable Gas Trap

nd tier (
(less than 1 hour)

Sitting beside each door is a barrel half-filled with water, in which float the stubs of several torches and a few candles. A dark crack stretches across the floor down the center of the room.

Entering the area while carrying an open flame, or magically creating fire inside the area, triggers a Failure. Only the areas within 5 feet of an entrance are safe from this effect. Open flames within these areas flicker and turn blue.

Exploration. A Perception check or sniffing the air reveals the faint smell of rotten eggs. An Investigation check or an examination of the floor or ceiling reveals that the crack in the floor is caked with soot. A creature that makes an Engineering check knows that enclosed, poorly ventilated spaces can have problems with gas buildups.

Floor Crack. Examining the crack in the floor reveals that it leads to a pitch-black hole a few inches in diameter. Closer examination reveals that the smell of rotten eggs is stronger around the hole, which descends hundreds of feet to a natural cavity filled with dangerous, flammable gas.

Spell Solve. A gust of wind or a similar effect dissipates the gas for 10 minutes.

Possible Solutions
  • A creature can make a Strength, Dexterity, or Engineering check to clog the crack with cloth or similar items. Failure on this check doesn’t result in a Failure but doesn’t deactivate the trap.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure or Failure. A burst of flame fills the area. Everyone in the room, except for those within 5 feet of the room’s entrances, makes a Dexterity saving throw , taking 17 (5d6) fire damage on a failure or half damage on a success. The explosion extinguishes any open flames and consumes the accumulated gas, making the trap inactive for 10 minutes.

Success or Critical Success. The trap is disabled.