In many societies, the ability to own weapons is a right reserved for the specially trained or the privileged elite. Whether or not you subscribe to that philosophy, you know that those who bear arms must treat their weapons as though they were sacred. To you, combat is more than a career: it is a calling, an honor, and a duty.
Weapon Mastery
At 3rd level, choose three additional weapons as your favored ordnance. If you spend 1 hour practicing with a weapon, you can replace one of your favored ordnance selections with the new weapon.
Precision Strike
You’ve learned to hone your focus, drowning out all distractions to make a single, precise attack. At 3rd level, while wielding one of your favored ordnance weapons, you can use an action to make a precision strike. Make a single attack as normal, but if you roll a 2 or lower on the attack roll, you can reroll the die and use the new result. The threshold for this reroll increases with your proficiency bonus. Thus, at 5th level you can reroll an attack roll whenever you roll a 3 or lower. You can reroll on a roll of 4 or lower at 9th level, on a roll of 5 or lower at 13th level, and on a roll of 6 or lower at 17th level. You can choose to reroll after learning whether the attack hits or misses.
You can’t make a precision strike more than once on your turn, and you can’t make a precision strike outside of your turn. Thus, you can’t use this feature in conjunction with your Barrage feature or when making opportunity attacks.
At 7th level, when you use the Attack action to make an attack with one of your favored ordnance weapons, you can choose to make an additional attack as part of the same action. If you do, you do not apply your favored ordnance damage to any attacks made using that attack action.
At 16th level, you can forgo your favored ordnance damage to make two additional attacks. Alternatively, you can make one additional attack, but if you do, you reduce your favored ordnance damage to 1d12 for all attacks made during this Attack action.
Expert Technique
Also at 7th level, enemies who face you on the battlefield soon realize they’re outmatched. You learn one of the following expert techniques. Whenever you use the Attack action while wielding one of your favored ordnance weapons, you can attempt an expert technique that you know in place of an attack. When you successfully use an expert technique, you can choose to deal your favored ordnance damage to the target, even if another feature (such as your Barrage feature) would otherwise cause you to forgo your favored ordnance damage.
Demoralizing Knockdown. Your attack knocks the target flat on its back. If the target is no more than one size category larger than you, it makes a Strength saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failure, you deal your favored ordnance damage and knock the target prone. In addition, the target is rattled until the end of your next turn. While rattled, the target can’t stand up, though it can crawl.
Disquieting Disarm. You attempt to knock an item or weapon from a creature’s hand. The target makes a Strength or Dexterity saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failure, you deal your favored ordnance damage and the target drops the item in its space. In addition, the target is rattled until the end of your next turn. Creatures that are a size category larger than you or that are holding the item with at least two hands have advantage on this save, while a creature of a size category smaller than you has disadvantage. While rattled, the target must use an action to recover its weapon or draw a new one.
Exposing Shove. Your attack staggers your target, exposing it to follow-up attacks. If the target is one size category larger than you or smaller, it makes a Strength saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failure, you deal your favored ordnance damage and push the target a number of feet away from you equal to 5 + 5 for every 5 points it failed its saving throw by. In addition, the target is rattled until the end of your next turn. While rattled, attack rolls against the target are made with advantage.
Armiger’s Creed
At 10th level, your devotion to your code of ethics is its own defense. You gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws.
Matchless Maneuvers
At 15th level your prowess with weaponry is unmatched. When you gain this feature, you gain every feature from Expert Techniques instead of only selecting one.
Living Weapon
At 18th level, the connection you share with your weapons deepens to an almost supernatural level. You can use a bonus action to expend up to 3 Hit Dice. Instead of regaining hit points, you channel your will into a favored ordnance weapon you are holding. For each Hie Die you expend, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with the weapon. This bonus lasts for 1 minute or until you no longer hold the weapon, fall unconscious, or use this ability again.