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Corrupting Twilight

rd tier (
(1 day)

Whether from the death of a deity or the purposeful spellwork of some evil being, this forest is cursed. Its trails wind in circles and its landmarks shift in the half-light, never looking the same from one glance to another. Strange murmurings fill the air, and the very land feels like a different world.

Corrupt. Upon entering the area, each adventurer must make a Constitution saving throw . On a failure, they suffer one level of corruption. At the end of each short or long rest in the area, each adventurer makes another Constitution saving throw, suffering an additional level of corruption on a failure.

Dense Canopy. The trees, vines, and foliage here are exceptionally thick. Adventurers using a fly speed treat this area as difficult terrain .

Unknowable Forest. Between the strange light and the strange landscape, creatures make their Perception checks at disadvantage .

Possible Solutions

The forest is both confusing and oppressive, and two different group checks are required. First, a check is required to bolster the party’s morale and dispel the oppressive atmosphere. For example, a Performance or Religion check to remind the party that this cursed forest is not all there is in the world, or a Wisdom check to steel one’s mind against the spirit-crushing atmosphere. On a Failure, the party make their rolls for the next group check at disadvantage . On a Critical Failure, they each additionally suffer a level of fatigue . On a Success, the adventurers roll normally, and on a Critical Success they make their rolls on the next check with advantage .

Critical Failure. The journey taxes both mind and soul. The party each takes 21 (6d6) psychic damage and suffer two levels of strife . They are also exposed to pastrasite attracted to the forest’s Limbo-esque nature (see Chapter 6: Maladies in Trials & Treasure).

Failure. The party makes it through, but the trek is spiritually suffocating. Each adventurer suffers a level of strife and the party moves through the area at a slow pace.

Success. The adventurers are able to journey through the area in largely good spirits.

Critical Success. In passing successfully through the forest, the adventurers have weakened the curse’s hold. The party receives a divine blessing, granting them an item or discovery relevant to their quest. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.