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Crushing Psyche

Power Level
Power Manifestation Time
1 living creature
Concentration ( )
Saving Throw
Charisma (special)

You drop the full weight of your psychic consciousness upon a creature, erasing its identity from its own mind. The target makes a Charisma saving throw or immediately loses all memory of who they are (creatures with a CR higher than your level gain advantage on this save). They retain all skills and abilities but cannot recall how they got them. Roll a d20 on the New Identity table to determine its new self-identity. This power only affects creatures with an Intelligence of 6 or higher.

If your power rating is VII or higher, the memory loss is permanent and does not require concentration. At the Narrator’s discretion, the creature may gradually regain its memories by investigating its original life history for 1 year.

Table: New Identity (d20)

1–16 General amnesiac (no identity).

17–19 A famous public figure.

20 You; they gain a copy of all your memories, and though they do not look like you nor have your skills and abilities, they see themselves as you and cannot be convinced otherwise. They are genuinely confused about any missing skills and abilities.