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Power Grab

Power Level
Power Manifestation Time
1 Medium or smaller creature or object
Concentration ( )

You telekinetically reach out and hold a target within range. Make a ranged psionics attack. On a hit, the target is grappled. You can levitate the target 5 feet off the ground as part of the same action. While it remains grappled, you can use a bonus action to activate one of the following effects:

  • Deal 4d6 force damage to the target. The damage increases by 1d6 each time your power rating increases.
  • Move the target 30 feet in any direction. The distance increases by 10 feet each time your power rating increases above II.
  • Throw the target 6d6 feet in any direction, ending the grapple. The distance increases by 2d6 each time your power rating increases.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to manifest this power as a reaction that you take when you see a Medium creature or object fall or move within range; +2 psionic points to target a Large creature or object as an action [requires power rating III]; + 4 psionic points to target a Huge creature or object as an action [requires power rating V].