Calligrapher's supplies
Many trades and crafts require special tools or sets of tools needed to do things like pick a lock, paint a portrait, or brew a potion.
Any character can use a tool kit, but many characters also gain proficiency with specific tools. When you are proficient, you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks made with them.
Tool use is not tied to any single ability score and your Narrator may decide your work may require any sort of ability check. For example, you may be asked to make a Dexterity check with your glassblower’s tools while making a delicate glass chalice, but you may be asked to make a Charisma check for creating an artistic glass sculpture.
Masterwork Tools. When using tools of masterwork quality, if you are proficient you gain an expertise die on checks made with them.
Profession Checks
These tools allow you to turn a specific type of raw material into generic trade goods using your time, effort, and skill. The type of tool determines the materials and amount of time needed. After spending the needed time and materials, you make a profession check with those tools which determines the value of the resulting generic trade goods (on a result of 15 or lower the materials used are wasted).
Material 15 gp of ink and paper
Time 1 month (8 hours per day)
DC 15 Value 45 gp
DC 20 Value 90 gp
DC 25+ Value 300 gp