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Board game set

1 gp
1/2 lb

These items can be played to simply pass the time or to gain money through gambling. Gambling can potentially earn or lose money, depending on the amount you wager and the outcome of your check. You can also attempt to cheat opponents by making a Sleight of Hand check opposed by the highest Perception check among observers, turning your opponents hostile on a failure, or gaining advantage on a success. Not all opponents can cover all wagers, and most refuse to wager for more than a quarter of their net worth. For each hour spent gambling, make a check using your tool set and consult the table below (though in most situations, there’s only so much money to be won, and usually a few sore losers when the house is cleaned out).

Gambling Check

1 Lose wager + 50%

2-14 Lose wager

15-19 Break even

20-24 Earn twice your wager

25+ Earn three times your wager