You haven’t met your match at dice or cards. A career of high stakes and daring escapades has taught you when to play close to the chest and when to risk it all—but you haven’t yet learned when to walk away.
Are you a brilliant student of the game, a charming master of the bluff and counterbluff, or a cheater with fast hands? What turned you to a life of adventure: a string of bad luck, or an insatiable thirst for risk?
Fine clothes, dice set, playing card set.
Each week you may attempt a “lucky throw” to support yourself by gambling. Roll a d6 to determine the lifestyle you can afford with your week’s winnings (1–2: poor, 3–5: moderate, 6: rich).
Once you’ve had more than your fair share of lucky throws, you attract the attention of richer opponents. You add +1 to all your lucky throws. Additionally, you and your friends may be invited to exclusive games with more at stake than money.
The hard-to-sell heirloom that someone really wants back.