Mecha Ace
Synergy Feat
3 levels in scientist, 3 levels in trooper
With both combat and technical training, mecha aces turn their brains into brawn by designing and controlling their own unique custom mecha. So long as you have access to your gear, you can construct your own custom mecha over the course of a long rest. This custom mecha acts as a special set of armor for you and has the following properties:
- While wearing your custom mecha, your AC is equal to 12 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
- Your custom mecha has the hackable and spacefaring properties, and it includes 6 mod ports.
- If damaged or broken your custom mecha can be repaired with a DC 15 multitool check.
- Your size increases by 1 category (from Small to Medium or from Medium to Large) while wearing your custom mecha.
- While wearing your custom mecha you have disadvantage on Stealth checks and advantage on Strength checks.
- Your custom mecha is encoded to you and it is inoperable for any other creature.
- Your custom mecha has 2 special weapon ports with the advanced weapon hatch mods in addition to its 6 mod ports. These special weapon port mods cannot be changed. Weapons mounted on these special ports only ever require a single wielding hand to fire, even if they have the two-handed property.
- Whenever you make an attack using a weapon attached to one of your special weapon ports, you can use a bonus action to attack with the weapon mounted on the other special weapon port.
- Any weapons mounted on your custom mecha are considered favored ordnance weapons for you.
- The cost to install armor mods on your custom mecha is reduced by half.
If your custom mecha is ever lost or destroyed, you can create another one using 250 credits worth of materials over the course of a long rest.
In addition, you gain an expertise die on saving throws while piloting a mecha starfighter and while crewing the deck of a mecha capital ship.