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Travel is interrupted by an impenetrable, nearly invisible forcefield. The field is immune to damage, but attacking or touching it makes it briefly visible. A creature that touches the forcefield for the first time on a turn takes 22 (4d10) force damage.
Trap. The forcefield can be detected with a DC 16 Engineering, Search, or passive Perception check, by touching it, or by attacking it.
Possible Solutions
- A creature within 5 feet of the field can make an Engineering or hacking tools check to disable the forcefield.
- A creature can attempt a Strength check to power through the forcefield. On a success, the creature passes through the field but takes damage as if it had suffered a failure.
- Some forcefields are automatically deactivated by specific code words, which might be recorded nearby.
Potential Outcomes
Critical Failure or Failure. The field shoots a spark of force at the creature. The creature must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity check, taking 22 (4d10) force damage on a failure or half damage on a success.
Success. The creature passes through the forcefield, but it is not deactivated.
Critical Success. The force field is deactivated.