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Hurricane Violin

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (cost 9280 gp)
Crafting Components

A song sung in the eye of a hurricane.

This violin’s wooden body has a streak of white, reminiscent of a lightning bolt, and a skilled musician can control the wind with a pull of the instrument’s bow. While this was originally a unique relic, since the Great Eclipse, Governor Hana ‘Gale’ Soliogn has commissioned an arctech replica of this violin.

The replica’s body is carved from remains of ships wrecked in Yerasol storms, but has gaps of empty space held in place by frames of metallic astrium, and floating fan blades inside the frame spin and amplify sounds as the performance grows. Strings of driftbloom strands from Caeloon let a single performer play the parts of multiple violinists.

You can use the violin as a spellcasting focus and a holy symbol.

You can use an action to play the violin and immediately cast control weather or banishment (save DC 18), neither needing components. To maintain concentration on either spell cast this way, you must continue playing the violin with both hands without releasing it. You can still cast another spell as long as it requires no material components, weaving the somatic and verbal components into your performance. Once the violin has invoked control weather this way, it cannot do so again until the next dawn. The violin can invoke banishment this way no more than once per hour.