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Contract of Indentured Service

Wondrous Item, Common (requires attunement; cost 150 gp)
Crafting Components

Binding contracts of service signed in good faith

Necromancers occasionally act as apparent benefactors, offering loans to victims now in exchange for service after death. This contract details an account of a spirit that has become indentured to the contract’s holder. While holding the contract, you can speak the command word as an action to summon the invisible undead spirit, which functions as the spell unseen servant . You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest .

Alternatively, you can use an action to tear up the contract and release the undead spirit. The spirit appears as a friendly specter you can telepathically command (as a bonus action) for as long as you maintain concentration . The specter acts immediately after your turn. If your concentration is broken, the specter attacks you and your companions. Otherwise the specter disappears 10 minutes after it is summoned, vanishing to whichever afterlife awaits it.