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Enchanted Music Sheet

Wondrous Item, Common (cost 55 gp)
Crafting Components

Noted praises to a composer (the composer must be present for at least 1 hour of the item’s creation time)

This music sheet of fine parchment documents musical notation of a fey performance. Humming, whistling, or using an instrument to play the opening three notes causes the sheet music to issue the sounds of a hauntingly beautiful musical performance for 10 minutes. Up to 6 creatures of your choice that are within 30 feet of the sheet and able to hear the entire performance gain 2 temporary hit points. A creature can’t gain temporary hit points from the music sheet again until it completes a long rest , and after using this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest. 

During a short rest, you can spend an hour to amend the music sheet with pen and ink to alter its melody and mood. Regardless of the changes you make to the sheet, the notation remains legible and the music is always lovely. 

If you accompany the music, using an instrument or singing with a DC 12 Performance check, you can empower its magic. Up to 6 creatures of your choice that are within 30 feet of you and able to hear the entire performance regain 3 hit points and gain 6 temporary hit points. At the end of the performance, the music sheet transforms into a flutter of petals and butterflies, and its magic is lost.

Curse. The music sheet is cursed and a creature with temporary hit points gained by its music has disadvantage on saving throws to resist being charmed and frightened by celestials, fiends, and fey. Empowering the magic with your own performance draws the attention of a fey who seeks you out to perform at an event of their choosing.