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Psionic Powers

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NAME Power Level Discipline Body Source
Adrenalize Reflex Kinesthetic

Your power makes the target more physically capable. The target gains an expertise die to one…

Voidrunner's Codex
Bend Space Reflex Translocation

You distort the fabric of space around you, making it appear that you are somewhere you are not…

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Bolster Reflex Kinesthetic

The target gains one of the following benefits, chosen when you manifest this power:

Voidrunner's Codex
Cold Snap Reflex Dynakinetic

You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. The target takes…

Voidrunner's Codex
Emote Reflex Telepathic

You can covertly communicate simple concepts with the target via basic emotions, without needing…

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Empathic Sense Reflex Telepathic

You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to detect or identify hidden emotions, imminent…

Voidrunner's Codex
Enhance Mind Reflex Kinesthetic

The target gains an expertise die to one mental ability check (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma…

Voidrunner's Codex
Farsight Reflex Clairsentience

You can clearly see details of things at a distance as if they were nearby. Focus on a spot in…

Voidrunner's Codex
Imbue Weapon Reflex Dynakinetic

The target weapon is imbued with psychic energy, bonding with your psionic strength. The weapon…

Voidrunner's Codex
Move Object Reflex Telekinetic

You summon an unattended handheld object to your empty hand from a distance within range.…

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Precognition Reflex Clairsentience

Attuning yourself with the environment, you gain a sense of the immediate future. You cannot…

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Project Objects Reflex Telekinetic

You lift several pebble-sized objects within range and hurl them with your mind. Make a ranged…

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Psychic Touch Reflex General

You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within an object or creature…

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Static Discharge Reflex Dynakinetic

You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. Make an unarmed…

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