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Ice (Destiny)

The ice is quiet, a still and solemn thing content to merely be. Ice is uncaring, stubborn, and somber. Those with a destiny of ice are harsh and calculating, slow and purposeful. They tend towards the distant and the calm, unnerved by the bustle of activity and reassured by isolation and stillness. They are beings of cold calculation and unwavering ideals, bulwarks against change who work to keep the world as it is.  

Source of Inspiration: Frigid Stillness. You draw inspiration from contemplation and stillness. You gain inspiration whenever you spend extended time alone tending to your own quiet interests. 

Complete a complicated or difficult tast on your own, finish crafting a complex item, spend at least 24 hours in relative isolation and silence.

Inspiration Feature: Chill Emotions. Your mind is set and steady and you can easily center yourself even amidst chaos. As an action, you may spend your inspiration to immediately end the charmed , confused , frightened , and rattled conditions on yourself.

Fulfilling Your Destiny 

You fulfill your destiny of Ice when you keep the status of the world preserved and prevent change.

Preserve a people, monarchy, or way of life that was threatened, stabilize a nation or the world, kill or imprison a powerful wild force that was previously unchecked. 

Fulfillment Feature: Glacial Soul. You are the core of the glacier, an unshiftable constant chill. You are immune to cold damage. Whenever you use your Chill Emotions inspiration feature you can choose to become encased in impervious ice until the beginning of your next turn. While this feature is active, you are immune to all damage but cannot take any actions, bonus actions, or reactions.

Table: Ice Destiny

D6 Motivation

1 Regret. You’ve lost greatly and don’t ever want to repeat it.

2 Logic. You’ve weighed the options and adventuring is the correct choice.

3 Intrusion. You’re determined to eliminate the intrusion into your solitude.

4 A Missing Piece. Finding that one last thing requires venturing out into the world.

5 The Status Quo. You like the world as it is and are determined to defend it.

6 One Friend. One person has broken through your ice and you’d do anything for them.