Memories of Holdenshire: People of Holdenshire
Throughout their journeys the party are bound to run into other creatures that aren't directly tied into the story of Memories of Holdenshire. These encounters can certainly lead to violent confrontation, but not necessarily—the party could be bamboozled and stolen from, decide to make a fell bargain with a priest seeking new adherents to a dark faith, lie their way past an obtrusive guard, or find that a meeting of circumstance points them to a clue they might have missed earlier on. The Narrator should encourage creative solutions by the PCs and remember that some of the most memorable NPCs are the ones who survive meeting the party (though good battles are certainly part of the fun).
Important NPCs
- Annika Crestveil, the hero who was slain battling the khalkos .
- Belton Freedew, a halfling criminal who helps the adventures escape Northminster.
- Granny Appleseed, a green hag who helps the adventurers unlock their memories.
- Orfrain Cassar, the cult fanatic behind the evil plot.
- Tariq Crestveil, guard captain and brother to Annika, bent on revenge for her death.
Friends or Foe?
This page is designed to help the Narrator keep track of all the NPCs in Holdenshire (both Hengistbury and Thornbury). Not all of these characters are critical to the plot, but the area is designed to work as a sandbox-style setting with plot hooks and suggestions liberally sprinkled throughout the following descriptions in addition to those in the main adventure.
Unless otherwise noted, any NPC in Holdenshire has the statistics of a commoner .

Albert Wright
Albert Wright is the twelfth of thirteen kids from the hills near Brockendale who grew up to be a veterinarian. He dreams of taking care of baby owlbears, sick hippogriffs, and other exotic creatures. He keeps his Veterinary Clinic in Thornbury because it is near Ayle's Loch, Brockendale Castle, and the Queenswood where he likes to search for animals to study in his leisure time. He is not a cruel man and merely makes notes of their habits and lifestyles, making him a valuable guide to the area around Brockendale Castle.
Ariadne is Brand Torek's niece. Although she plays only a small part in Memories of Holdenshire, she is probably the most important NPC in the following adventure (To Slay A Dragon) and the Narrator would do well to ingratiate her with the adventurers. Gord, the oldest of the Mortimer Brothers, is in love with Ariadne although she is not aware of this. She can often be located in and around Brand's house, but does make the occasional foray to the banks of the Moor-Run to pick flowers. Messages for Brand can be reliably left with her should the need arise.
Ariel is a midwife and herb supplier. She spends much of her time in the local wilderness collecting supplies. In her youth she was an adventurer and became a somewhat accomplished druid . She helps Lady Pemberton minister to the needs of the community and generally does so willingly, but she's been known to have a sharp word for anyone who has injured themselves doing something foolish or dangerous.
Aus is an annoying young kid always trying to scurry around and get the latest rumors in an effort to impress the older Mortimer Brothers. In particular he is interested in rumors of a dragon in the east, and carries a stuffed dragon toy. He cheers for the dragon and pranks those who show interest in slaying it. He has collected a lot of dragon trivia in his 8 short years.
Some of it is even accurate, though no one is really sure about which bits have just been made up or confused with the real ones. Still, he constantly tries to find more and in the future he may prove to be a useful source of information.
Brand Torek
The county is patrolled by Brand Torek ( strider ), a large, easygoing bear of a man proficient in hammer and bow. He reports directly to Lord Pemberton. Brand is a tall fellow with broad shoulders and a neatly trimmed beard that doesn't hide his square jaw. A retired adventurer, he still keeps his old armor and massive warhammer hanging on the wall of his cabin and office in Hengistbury. He is serious about his job and is rarely found in his office as he spends much of his time patrolling the villages and roads. Brand dotes on his niece, Ariadne, and would hate to see any harm befall her. His official title is "sheriff' and he is occasionally assisted by Yara Bloodclaw and Jayel.
Donald Morrison
Donald Morrison is a giant of a man ( thug ) known for the kilt he wears and his forge in Thornbury. He's not as skilled as Rorus Klain is, but still produces serviceable items of decent quality. Rorus employs him when there is a large order that needs filling to handle the more work-a-day needs of the community. Both men are on genial terms with each other, but is that just a hint of jealousy in Morrison's eyes?
Emery Shier
Emery Shier is an alchemist based in Thornbury. He sometimes works with Heinrich Krebs to replenish supplies, but by and large makes himself available to locals to meet their more pressing needs. He runs his shop from the kitchen of his home and though his alchemical supplies are more limited in variety, each is of equal quality to Heinrich's. This makes some people suspicious and they wonder who the real talent is.
Freya Aeval
Freya Aeval is an adorable little pixie girl with long braided red hair, blue eyes, and pink and black butterfly-like wings. She spends much of her time in the vicinity of the Bleeding Heart Tavern, although she can be a source of information about the Weirwood. She seems to be sweet on Redheaded Roland, and while it isn't entirely certain that he returns the affection they are often seen going into the Weirwood together.
Gavin Morrigan
The writer Gavin Morrigan ( veteran ) is a dark-haired man with a dusting of silver at his temples which seems almost to contrast the spark of youthful determination in his eyes. Though Gavin is often engrossed in his work, he is clearly in good shape. No one seems to know why he spends so much of his free time at the Bleeding Heart Tavern, nor what exactly he is writing. Surely something— or someone—must attract him here on a regular basis. What could it be?
Heinrich Krebs
Heinrich Krebs (a spy proficient with alchemist's supplies) is a self-proclaimed apothecary who wears his chosen profession like a title. Almost all villagers use products from his shop, be it to help with diseases, to enrich the love-life, or to get the town's best stain remover. For the occasional adventurer, classics like alchemist's fire or smoke sticks are always in stock. Whenever Heinrich needs to resupply, Thornbury's alchemist Emery Shier comes along to help out. Some locals are starting to wonder who the real alchemist is.
Horatio Denhew
The brewmaster Horatio Denhew owns Thornbury's tavern, Denhew's Pub ‘n' Grub. He hopes to one day open a second branch in Hengistbury, although the Bleeding Heart Tavern's popularity has stayed his hand so far. When not in the kitchen he likes to mingle with his patrons, loving to hear their tales. If asked why he doesn't adventure himself, Horatio replies, "I nearly kill meself in me own kitchen e'ery day—wouldn't last more'n a week crawlin' through dungeons. Lemme refill yer ale."
Jahmus "Jayel" Laekin
Widely known as Jayel, Jahmus Laekin is the name of a one time scout , now hunter of men at the behest of Brand. Though amicable, the dark-haired man holds little sympathy for the malicious. He prefers to live peaceably but has no qualms about doing bad things to bad folk—or people he believes to be bad, at any rate. It would be a terrible thing if he got carried away one day and did something unforgivable to someone innocent. Fortunately, Brand has been able to use Jayel's emotions for good.
John-Francis Rainweaver
John-Francis Rainweaver is a hearty woodsman (a scout with proficiency in History) of indeterminate age. He was once a court scholar in Northminster before being charged with teaching the young prince of Northminster, but some unspecified catastrophe occurred and he was dismissed. Unable to find more work as a scholar, he came to Holdenshire to seek what fortune he could. There is enough need for wood, meat, and skins to keep several woodsmen busy, yet after a few minutes of speaking with him it's clear that Rainweaver is seeking something here—maybe redemption.
John Tulworth
John Tulworth is an untrustworthy little sneak known to the other kids as "The Toad', always getting into trouble with other youths (particularly Kit Bartleby). Nobody is sure why the two are so close to one another, but most think that Tulworth is a good kid at heart who's just been led down a bad path.
Juide "Black-Hand" Averauh
Juide "Black-Hand" Averauh is a rarely-seen woodsman ( scout ) who keeps the village well-supplied with good meat. Most people assume he hunts in Queenswood for the most part and Juide does nothing to disabuse them of this notion.
Kalle Sirkesalo
The archmage Kalle Sirkesalo lives in a tower located on an island in the river about 5 miles downstream. He is rarely seen but his henchman, Redheaded Roland (who is neither redheaded, nor named Roland), is seen in Hengistbury most weeks purchasing supplies. The wizard is often in need of rare ingredients so his servant is a busy fellow. Roland can sometimes be found in the company of Freya Aeval, the pixie, as they head into the Weirwood often. Kalle supplies the veterinarian, Albert Wright, with certain potions and medicines he needs for his job—no one is really quite sure what else might be going on at the tower.
Karatilana "Tila" Torin
Karatilana "Tila' Torin ( spy ) is a "rogue economist', believing that redistribution of wealth is the key to economic success. She takes this belief very personally, handling much of this "redistribution' herself. The rest of the community simply regards her as a thief. Currently she's being sought after by Brand and Jayel for pilfering from the Pemberton's latest round of taxation, though neither is eager to find her until after the Summer Festival.
Kitster "Kit" Bartleby
Kitster "Kit" Bartleby ( bandit ) is a charismatic fence who trades stolen property, typically items stolen by his criminal accomplice John Tulworth. Holdenshire is altogether not a big place however, so many are unsure of what the lad is up to. Who does he sell to and why? And what are they doing with the goods?
Logan Brokenbarrel
The master of Holdenshire's quarry is the black-bearded dwarf Logan Brokenbarrel ( soldier ). Adventurers with the soldier background may recognize his regimental tattoos, which link him to a notorious massacre committed by the last king's troops at Ayle's Loch. He keeps his past a closely-guarded secret, and if anyone were to find out the exact nature of his deeds he would surely be displeased—maybe even taking drastic action to silence the person.
Lord and Lady Pemberton
Holdenshire County is governed by Lord Pemberton ( noble ) and his lady-wife, Lady Sybill Pemberton ( acolyte ), and contains the village of Hengistbury and the hamlet of Thornbury. The nobles reside in Hengistbury Keep on a small hill overlooking their town. Lady Sybill Pemberton is a devout follower of the goddess of hunting, and she volunteers in the only temple in Hengistbury with the aid of Ariel and Prirkka.
Lord and Lady Pemberton also own the Bleeding Heart Tavern and have an unusual arrangement for running it. Between that essential establishment, festivals, and several other local programs they do much to ensure the communities in their care remain healthy, happy, and prosperous.
Mallory Jackdaw
Mallory Jackdaw is a seven-year-old boy with unkempt brown hair and blue eyes, who never stops talking—he knows a little about everything and is willing to make the rest up. He's been feeding Aus various stories (and in some cases outright lies) about the dragon far to the east. It's fairly likely that any information he might give to interested adventurers is no better.
Meredith Jones
Meredith Jones is a young, stern-looking, serious woman in her early twenties not quite sure what to do with her life. Right now she's working in the Bleeding Heart Tavern as a barmaid, but she's certain that she is meant for greater things. As the only permanent employee of the tavern Meredith knows how things work better than most. It may be that she secretly admires someone in the town, though if so she has kept it a well-guarded secret.
Mortimer Brothers
The Mortimer Brothers fancy themselves to be a thieves' guild but in reality the three young orphans (Beej, Gord, and Poke) operate more as paid gossips. They spend a lot of time with Ugg, who is very protective of them which is good as they often find themselves in minor trouble. Gord ( spy ) is in love with Ariadne and will soon come of age, making him ever bolder with every day that passes.
Myco Ferris
Myco Ferris ( minstrel ) is the jovial owner of the Hen and Filly boarding house. Sheriff Brand Torek has suspicions about how their cousin Belton Freedew makes his living and has commented so, but Myco waves alway such suspicions and turns the conversation to something more interesting. A deeply-invested gossip, Myco is willing to offer a discounted rate to those that share choice tidbits of information.
Mylani Azalathellon
Mylani Azalathellon is a teenaged half-elf with a fascination with the law. She always carries two small books with her: a book of common laws and a notebook that she uses to record any transgressions of the law that she witnesses. Brand finds her enthusiasm tiresome—but maybe she's on to something. Perhaps she's unwittingly seen something important and written it down in her little book. Or maybe she's just a nosey busybody with a score to settle.
Nazid of the Adashim family from the Ben-Yumo clan has a little spice shop called The Spice of Life from which he sells spices to the locals (particularly Lord and Lady Pemberton). About once a year or so a foreign gentleman shows up to conduct business with Nazid, though he always seems to leave with a heavier pack than when he arrived.
Penner is a halfling pig farmer with an affinity for pirate history and memorabilia. He likes to spend some evenings at the Bleeding Heart Tavern in the company of other locals. His interest in pirates may give him a unique perspective on some of the local goings on, and his farm's proximity to the Weirwood may give him insight there as well.
Prirkka Strongfist
Prirkka Strongfist is a half-orc midwife and new in town. She's about 50 years old, tall, and has long black hair with a few hints of gray. One of her eyes is brown while the other is green, and she's allergic to cats (preferring to keep away from any adventurer with a feline familiar). Lady Pemberton has drafted Prirkka into service helping care for the county's residents, though no one is quite sure where she came from or why she ended up here. Some folks still mistrust her but she may slowly win them over, provided nothing untoward happens.
Redheaded Roland
Redheaded Roland, who is neither redheaded, nor called Roland, is deeply in love with the pixie Freya Aeval and will stop at nothing to protect her, and though he tries to hide his affections whenever pressed about it he rushes off to perform some task for the mage he serves (Kalle Sirkesalo).
Reg Bakerson
Reg Bakerson is Thornbury's baker and a friendly sort to all. He has a habit of saying awkward things, but he's well-meaning and is never out to do anyone harm. Reg likes to drink when he's not working and becomes rather boisterous after a few hours. Fortunately he's looked on affectionately by the townsfolk, although thought of as a bit odd. He tends to think of the Pub ‘n' Grub as his home away from home, and gets worried if trouble starts there. A night of too much drinking means the fresh bread in Thornbury will be delayed the next morning.
Robert MacBain
Robert MacBain is dark of hair and large of stature (he uses the statistics of a commoner with 8 hit points and a Strength score of 15). Tall and well-muscled from years working with his hands, Robert is generally thought of as kind and strong. He works stone mined from the quarry for various uses around the county. Most of the homes in Hengistbury are starting to put in stone foundations and some of the larger buildings in the area are already converted.
Rorus Klain
Rorus Klain is a large man in his early 40s, wide of girth and grizzled in appearance (he uses the statistics of a commoner with 10 hit points and a Constitution score of 14). He is a smith of great skill and takes his work very seriously, with no time for foolish questions or irritating visitors. Rorus is quick to anger but equally quick to forgive, and once he becomes a friend he is fiercely loyal. His strong-willed wife Yulana is probably the only person in Hengistbury that Rorus fears. He often takes on large orders and has made arrangements with Thornbury's smith, Donald Morrison, to cover his day-to-day work at these times.
Saraz bint Farad bint Aquilah
Saraz bint Farad bint Aquilah is from a faraway land—her brightly-colored silk dresses are that of someone of nobility or great wealth, and her inquisitive curiosity prompts her to frequently make extensive notes about everything in Hengistbury and the surrounding countryside. She is still naive about local customs however, and some suspect she is connected to the Vistani of the Queenswood (a local band of nomads) in some way, but who can tell for sure?
Saraz uses the statistics of a priest but casts her spells psionically, requiring no components and using Intelligence as her spellcasting ability (as the Psionic Spellcasting trait). In addition, her Intelligence score is 16 (+3), she's proficient with Arcana (and gains an expertise die on ability checks using it), and when she casts a cantrip or spell that deals radiant damage she deals psychic damage instead.
Stedd Grimwold
Stedd Grimwold ( apprentice mage ) is a dwarven sorcerer who manifested his powers working the quarry—he needed a light to read a note and his body erupted into flames. All of his hair was burnt off and the fire caused a conflagration which killed his family and many other miners. In time he learned to control his powers and since then opened a small shop in Hengistbury where he provides potions. Morose and taciturn, Stedd mopes about, a sad forlorn shell of a dwarf. Perhaps something can be done for him?
Stefan Oakfell
A woodsman and hunter ( scout ), Stefan Oakfell is a soft-spoken, rugged, and lean man approaching his late forties. He has a haunted look in his eyes that suggests he may have seen—or indeed, done— terrible things. Stefan is a solitary character who does not seek the company of others. If he can be convinced to share it, he may have news of strange goings on in the Queenswood as he certainly seems to spend the majority of his time in and around its environs.
Steffen the Baker
Steffen is the Hengistbury town baker. With brown-gray hair, he's a little plump from too much bread. All that means is he has a finer understanding of the baking arts than does his counterpart in Thornbury. People line up daily to collect fresh bread from Steffen and his bakery serves as a secondary community hub before the Bleeding Heart Tavern opens for the day—what isn't heard there may well be heard here.
Tamas Agrens
Tamas Agrens is the local sage ( priest ) of the area. He's fairly aloof and unfriendly, and clearly considers himself more clever than most of the locals. For this reason the Mortimer Brothers enjoy taunting him with stupid questions and pranks. Maybe he does know something the rest of the town doesn't. Whatever it is, it is unlikely to be good for anyone.
Temrus Clothbinder
Temrus Clothbinder is a cheese maker ("Clothbinder' comes from the cloth used to bind up cheese, a fact he loves lecturing to people). Not only does he make cheeses for general use, he is also responsible for providing the cheeses used in the annual Autumn Harvest Festival cheese roll competition. Each cheese for the festival is wrapped in black and all the residents know not to touch those cheeses. This prevents tampering and might also have something to do with the platinum piece hidden in at least one cheese as a prize. At least, they are supposed to be hidden in the cheeses. As far as everyone else knows, anyway.
Three-Fingered Jake
Three-Fingered Jake is an itinerant minstrel who wanders through every few weeks performing in exchange for food or coin. Most news of the wider world comes from his visits to town. He can usually be found twanging away in the Bleeding Heart Tavern (originally called the Beaming Hearth until the Mortimer Brothers vandalized the pub's sign). Jake knows many rumors and legends of the regions beyond Holdenshire.
Tillian Bricklebottom
Tillian Bricklebottom is a male halfling scribe, translator, writer and wine purveyor who has settled down in Thornbury. Old deeds and wills, the occasional newly acquired manuscript from distant lands, and the writing of official documents for Lord and Lady Pemberton tend to keep him reasonably busy.
Ugg is a small hill giant who was befriended by the village children some years ago (the Mortimer Brothers in particular). Ugg is not his real name, but he is affectionately called such as he clumsily yet cheerfully assists with manual labor around town. The giant is a kindhearted soul and dislikes seeing others mistreated, particularly if the reason for doing so stems from prejudice against those who are "different'. Ugg speaks both Common and Giant, but relies mostly on Common while working in the village. Occasionally when working alone, he can be heard singing some quite interesting songs in Giant.
Willem von Nederveen
Willem von Nederveen is a traveling merchant from the trading company Samuel and Sons in distant Northminster. He is helpful to those who are friendly to him. Willem was sent to Hengistbury to get the company's shop there in order, though he's newly arrived and just getting his bearings. The company plans on doing a brisk business buying up local materials and goods while selling finished products back to the residents.
Yara Bloodclaw
Yara Bloodclaw is a tall, tattooed woman around 35 years old. She has lived in Hengistbury for about 6 years, now working as a beemaster. A capable fighter ( warrior ), she reinforces the guards of Hengistbury and is never seen without her two warhammers. If asked about her past she mentions only that she was raised in a cold mountain range in a land far away. She says little and never drinks alcohol, a fact that makes her especially reliable when trouble crops up late at night.