Some cultures embrace the principles of trade and commerce almost to the exclusion of all else. Everything is a transaction, and everything has a price. In such societies, trading houses or corporations reign supreme, and the rules of commerce supersede other ethical considerations. Such rules encourage honesty in trade, as adherence to contracts is the foundation of a mercantile civilization, and the punishments for breach of contract are amongst the most severe in such jurisdictions.
Members of mercantile societies are often expert hagglers, and highly accomplished businessfolk, with an excellent grasp of legislation and an almost instinctual ability to estimate the value of anything.
Characters raised in a mercantile culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Accumulated Wealth. You start play with twice the credits you ordinarily would. If you are creating a character of higher than 1st level, this feature does not affect your starting wealth.
Expert Trader. Negotiation is a fundamental skill. You gain proficiency in Culture, Insight, and Persuasion.
Quick Valuation. You can readily determine the value of any object by examining it for one minute.
Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and two other languages.