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Mischief Maker

A group of ratlings is called a “mischief”—for good reason, as many hapless victims of ratling pranks will tell you. Mischiefs of ratlings travel from place to place, mocking the mighty, shocking the stuffy, thwarting the wicked, and helping themselves to food and luxuries along the way.

A mischief often has a reason for traveling besides pleasure-seeking. Some ratling clans are skilled musicians or troupes of actors. Others are tinkers or traders, wicked pirates, or even altruistic outlaws who protect the downtrodden. What every mischief shares is a communal social structure and mutual trust. Mischief ratlings constantly improvise, taking cues from each other as they engage in elaborate hijinks, with little thought for the long-term consequences.

Mischief makers lead thrill-seeking, exuberant lives and leave chaos in their wake. Discontent members of more staid communities, especially teens, often envy their freedom and impudence. A traveling mischief can collect humans, elves, gnomes, and other folks unsatisfied with their lives.

Characters raised in the mischief maker culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Follow My Lead. When you are involved in a group skill check, you are treated as proficient in the skill if anyone in the group is proficient in the skill.

Sudden Retreat. When a creature makes an opportunity attack against you, it does so with disadvantage .

Table for One. If you are Small, you can make a Deception check or use a disguise kit to appear to be Medium while standing on another Small humanoid’s shoulders.

Tricks of the Trade. You are proficient in Deception, Performance, or Sleight of Hand, or with disguise kits (your choice).

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and two other languages.