Presents for Goblins: The Town of Revelleschafte
Revellschafte is a small town on the Polyne-Trom River, in Allesund.

Population: 348 (80% Humans, 10% Halflings, 5% Half-elves, 5% Other).
Mayor: Ilsa Revelleschafte. Human noble , wire thin, regally dressed, high-pitched voice. She has a human commoner aide named Maria, whom she gives edicts to write down all the time.
Innkeeper: Gaven Hidesbarrow. Halfling commoner , fat, well-dressed, big poofy hair. He gets into the spirit of the holiday by making sure his inn, “The Fattened Calf,” is as festive as possible.
Religion: Church of the Harvest. Run by Matron Doursbea. Human priest , tall, modestly dressed, warm smile, overly welcoming and friendly. She offers shelter to those in need, and healing magic to those who can provide a donation.
Shopping: There are several shops available selling common items at a 50% markup. The major shops in town are the Good Market, A.C. Copper, and Northenstorm.