Populations of sufficiently advanced civilizations often converge in cities, where some of the best and most lucrative opportunities are concentrated. A city’s size can be as big as the delta at the mouth of a river to sprawling across the entire surface of a planet, covering the natural terrain with tiers of infrastructure. Growing up in the city is exciting, but potentially also difficult. Everyone is in a rush, trends change and morph at the blink of an eye, and often there are more mouths than there are resources. Those that are raised in such an environment find themselves in constant competition with those around them, whether it’s earning a scholarship to private school, being the pioneer of the latest trend, or merely being the first at a crosswalk.
Nevertheless, people look out for one another, and many find a family of like-minded individuals if the one they were born into does not accept you. Voidrunners from this environment often find that the skills they learned in childhood have prepared them to take advantage of every opportunity the galaxy gives them.
Characters raised in the urbanite culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Crowd Proficiency. Choose one of the following skills: Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You gain proficiency in that skill. Additionally, you have an expertise die on checks to use the chosen skill on or while in a crowd, such as pickpocketing in a packed train or asking around a teeming tourist attraction for directions.
Opportunistic. You are quick to act when the opportunity presents itself. Once per long rest, you can add an expertise die to your initiative roll or move up to your Speed as a bonus action.
Pseudo-Polyglot. Pick two languages you do not know. You cannot speak, write, or sign in these languages, but you can understand and read them. You also gain an expertise die to Culture or Insight checks to discern what is being said in a language you are unfamiliar with.
Starting Line. Your family or upbringing determined what kind of opportunities you had when young, though you may have chosen a different crowd. Choose one of the following:
Boarding School: You are proficient in your choice of either Culture or History.
Street-Roamer: You are proficient in your choice of either Insight or Survival.
Trade Institute: You are proficient in your choice of either Engineering, or two tools.
Urban Exposure. You’re used to the stressors of city life. You gain an expertise die on saving throws against environmental effects such as intense heat, smog, or bright lights.
Languages. You can read, sign, speak, and write Common and one other language.