Your homeland is barred to you and you wander strange lands. You will never be mistaken for a local but you find ready acceptance among other adventurers, many of which are as rootless as you are.
Are you a banished noble? A refugee from war or from an undead uprising? A dissident or a criminal on the run? Or a stranded traveler from an unreachable distant land?
You’re a performer who knows how to dazzle a crowd, an artist but also a professional: you never forget to pass the hat after a show.
Are you a lute-strumming singer? An actor? A poet or author? A tumbler or juggler? Are you a rising talent, or a star with an established following?
You were a member of a sinister cult. You performed ancient rites found in forbidden tomes, seeking to empower a fiend, a false god, or a terrible being from a strange and distant realm.
Why did you leave the cult? Did you come to recognize the emptiness of its promises of power? Did you witness horrors that shook your faith? Or do you still nurture its dark edicts in your heart?
As a career criminal you were acquainted with murderers, thieves, and those who hunt them. Your new career as an adventurer is, relatively speaking, an honest trade.
Were you a pickpocket? An assassin? A back-alley mugger? Are you still?
People call you a con artist, but you’re really an entertainer. You make people happy—the separation of fools and villains from their money is purely a pleasant side effect.
What is your most common con? Selling fake magic items? Speaking to ghosts? Posing as a long-lost relative? Or do you let dishonest people think they’re cheating you?
You are skilled enough in a trade to make a comfortable living and to aspire to mastery of your art. Yet here you are, ready to slog through mud and blood and danger.
Why did you become an adventurer? Did you flee a cruel master? Were you bored? Or are you a member in good standing, looking for new materials and new markets?
You were trained as a servant of a particular god or gods. Whether or not you have access to divine magic, you are authorized to perform the rites of your faith, and you are recognized and respected by its faithful.
What gods do you worship? Why did you leave the confines of your temple and take up a life of adventure? Have you turned your back on your faith, or do you seek to advance it?