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Magic Weapon

Magic Weapon

-level (

Until the spell ends, the target becomes +1 magic weapon.

Meld Into Stone

Meld Into Stone

-level (

Until the spell ends, you meld yourself and your carried equipment into the target stone. Using your movement, you may enter the stone from any point you can touch. No trace of your presence is visible or detectable by nonmagical senses.



-level (

You repair a single rip or break in the target object (for example, a cracked goblet, torn page, or ripped robe). The break must be smaller than 1 foot in all dimensions. The spell leaves no trace that the object was damaged.

Magic items and constructs may be repaired in this way, but their magic is not restored. 

You gain an expertise die on maintenance checks if you are able to cast this spell on the item you are treating.



-level (

The target is hidden from divination magic and cannot be perceived by magical scrying sensors. When used on a place or object, the spell only works if the target is no larger than 10 feet in any given dimension.

Plane Shift

Plane Shift

-level (

Duration: Instantaneous or Concentration (1 minute)

Poison Skin

Poison Skin

-level (

The target becomes poisonous to the touch.

Protection from Evil and Good

Protection from Evil and Good

-level (

The target is protected against the following types of creatures: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.