Deadly Beckoning
Deadly Beckoning
Until the spell ends, the target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. The spell ends if you or your companions do anything harmful towards the target. While charmed in this way, the target must move in as direct of a path as it can toward you on its turn. Once it is within reach, you can touch the target on your turn, dealing 6d10 psychic damage to it and ending the spell.
Nervous Recoil
Nervous Recoil
You magically cloud the target’s judgment at the last instant. The target must choose to keep its successful roll or treat the roll as a failure instead. If it keeps the success, the target takes 2d6 psychic damage.
You attempt to disorient a creature.
Fatigued Bargain
Fatigued Bargain
Your magic suppresses a creature’s inhibitions, urging out its own self-destructive strength.
Dramatic Sting
Dramatic Sting
Eldritch Cube
Eldritch Cube
A black, nonreflective, incorporeal 10-foot cube appears in an unoccupied space that you can see. Its space can be in midair if you so desire.
You blast the target’s mind, attempting to crush its intellect and sense of self. The target takes 4d6 psychic damage.
On a failed save, until the spell ends the creature’s Intelligence and Charisma scores are both reduced to 1. The creature can’t cast spells, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way, but it is still able to recognize, follow, and even protect its allies.
The target has
Phantasmal Killer
Phantasmal Killer
You create an illusion that invokes the target’s deepest fears. Only the target can see this illusion.
Phantasmal Talons
Phantasmal Talons
You silently clench your hand into a claw and invisible talons of pure will sprout from your fingers. The talons do not interact with physical matter, but rip viciously at the psyche of any creature struck by them. For the duration, your unarmed strikes gain the finesse property and deal psychic damage. In addition, if your unarmed strike normally deals less than 1d4 damage, it instead deals 1d4 damage.