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Concentration ()

Until the power’s effects end, the target doesn’t benefit from any positive Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity modifiers.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target 2 additional creatures; +1 psionic point to increase the power’s range to Medium (60 feet) [requires power rating III]; +2 psionic points to also cause the target to make attack rolls and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws with disadvantage [requires power rating IV].




You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within range.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to teleport twice this turn and take your action in between as long as the total distance traveled does not exceed 30 feet.

Surface Control

Surface Control


Every step you take is enabled by your force of will; the ground is psychically altered to suit your needs. For the duration you ignore difficult terrain. In addition, choose one of the following:

Melt. Your footsteps burn away ice or vegetation. Any cold- or plant-based difficult terrain in 5-foot squares through which you move is destroyed.

Skate. A patina of ice on your soles makes you quicker, increasing your Speed by 20 feet.

Summon Object

Summon Object


You teleport an object to your hand. You must have designated the object as the target of your summoning by holding it and imbuing it with psionic energy before leaving it. You may only have one designated object at a time.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to summon the object from a distance of up to 10 miles; +2 psionic points to summon the object from any location on the same planet [requires power rating III]; +3 psionic points to summon the object from any location in the same star system [requires power rating IV].

Sense Presence

Sense Presence


You sense the presence of psionic creatures, and their psionic rating, within range of the power. You are not able to determine their direction or distance, merely that they are within range of the power; nor are you able to identify the subjects or gain any other information about them.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the effect’s range to 1 mile [requires power rating III].

Read Mind

Read Mind

Concentration ()

You scan for thinking creatures in range and probe a creature’s mind to read its thoughts by focusing on it. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, you fail to read the creature’s thoughts, and the creature gains an expertise die on saves against this power for the next 24 hours; unlike normal, this expertise die has a maximum of 1d12.

Push Thought

Push Thought

Concentration ()

Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this power. Suggest an activity phrased in a sentence or two. The target is psychically influenced to follow that course of activity. The suggestion must be worded to sound reasonable. Asking the target to perform an action that is obviously harmful to it ends the effect of this power.

The target carries out the activity suggested by you as well as it can. The effect of this power ends early once the target has carried out the activity.




You learn a single piece of important information from an object you touch or a location you are in. The size of the location is at the discretion of the Narrator, but is usually not bigger than a single room.

Psychic Thrust

Psychic Thrust


You push a target with pure psychic energy. Make a psionic attack roll against the target’s armor class. On a hit you deal 1d4 force damage and push the target 10 feet. Creatures or objects of size Huge or larger, or objects that are anchored (such as doors) are not pushed, but they still take the damage.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the push effect to 10 feet, and +2 psionic points to affect Huge creatures.

Power Grab

Power Grab

Concentration ()

You telekinetically reach out and hold a target within range. Make a ranged psionics attack. On a hit, the target is grappled. You can levitate the target 5 feet off the ground as part of the same action. While it remains grappled, you can use a bonus action to activate one of the following effects: