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Push Thought

Power Level
Power Manifestation Time
One humanoid which can hear and understand you
Concentration ( )

Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this power. Suggest an activity phrased in a sentence or two. The target is psychically influenced to follow that course of activity. The suggestion must be worded to sound reasonable. Asking the target to perform an action that is obviously harmful to it ends the effect of this power.

The target carries out the activity suggested by you as well as it can. The effect of this power ends early once the target has carried out the activity.

You may specify trigger conditions that cause the target to perform a specific activity. For example, you may suggest that the target board the next transit ship headed off-planet. If the next interplanetary transit ship is not available for boarding before the effect ends, the specific activity isn’t performed. Any damage done to the target by you or an ally ends the effect early for that creature.

At power rating IV, you can affect creatures of any type.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point per creature to affect up to 4 targets [requires power rating equal to the total number of creatures affected].