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Concentration ()

Until the power’s effects end, the target doesn’t benefit from any positive Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity modifiers.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target 2 additional creatures; +1 psionic point to increase the power’s range to Medium (60 feet) [requires power rating III]; +2 psionic points to also cause the target to make attack rolls and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws with disadvantage [requires power rating IV].




You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within range.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to teleport twice this turn and take your action in between as long as the total distance traveled does not exceed 30 feet.




You burst open a door or other portal with psychic energy. Make a ranged psionic attack against the door’s armor class. On a hit, the door is violently burst open.

Sonic Wave

Sonic Wave


You harness the latent energies of the cosmos and direct them with your mind. Targets in the area take 1d6 thunder damage and have disadvantage on the first attack roll they make before the end of its next turn.

The damage from this power increases to 2d6 at power rating III and 3d6 at power rating V.

Silent Passenger

Silent Passenger

Concentration ()

You psychically inhabit the corporeal body of another creature, perceiving all its thoughts, actions, and sensations as if they are your own. While in this state you are unaware of your own physical surroundings. A creature that fails its initial saving throw may make an additional saving throw every 15 minutes; on a success your presence is ejected and the creature is aware it was inhabited, though not by whom or for how long.




You learn a single piece of important information from an object you touch or a location you are in. The size of the location is at the discretion of the Narrator, but is usually not bigger than a single room.

Psychic Thrust

Psychic Thrust


You push a target with pure psychic energy. Make a psionic attack roll against the target’s armor class. On a hit you deal 1d4 force damage and push the target 10 feet. Creatures or objects of size Huge or larger, or objects that are anchored (such as doors) are not pushed, but they still take the damage.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the push effect to 10 feet, and +2 psionic points to affect Huge creatures.

Power Grab

Power Grab

Concentration ()

You telekinetically reach out and hold a target within range. Make a ranged psionics attack. On a hit, the target is grappled. You can levitate the target 5 feet off the ground as part of the same action. While it remains grappled, you can use a bonus action to activate one of the following effects:

Mental Domination

Mental Domination

Concentration ()

You overpower your target’s mind, forcing it to do your bidding. The target makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the power has no effect.

If the target fails the saving throw, for the duration of the power you may issue instructions (no action required) which it will do its best to obey. The target must be able to hear and understand the instructions.

Memory Control

Memory Control


You steal or alter a creature’s thoughts or memories. The target has advantage on its saving throw if you or your allies are in combat with it. When you manifest this power, select one of the following options:

Alter Memory. You dictate changes to any memories of an event that took place within the last 24 hours and lasted 10 minutes or less to the target in a language you both understand.