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Memory Control

Power Level
Power Manifestation Time
One creature with an Intelligence of at least 6
Saving Throw
Charisma negates

You steal or alter a creature’s thoughts or memories. The target has advantage on its saving throw if you or your allies are in combat with it. When you manifest this power, select one of the following options:

Alter Memory. You dictate changes to any memories of an event that took place within the last 24 hours and lasted 10 minutes or less to the target in a language you both understand.

Wipe Core Memory. The target forgets a defining moment in its history within the past 5 years and suffers a short-term mental stress effect.

Insert Memory. You dictate an entirely new memory to the target in a language you both understand. This memory must be of an event that took place within the last 24 hours and lasted 10 minutes or less. The creature is also enervated for 1 minute, making a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the condition.

Wipe Recent Events. The target forgets everything it has experienced in the last 5  minutes. It is confused for 1 minute, making a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the condition.

Wipe Specific Memory. The target forgets one specific memory from up to 5 years in the past and suffers a level of strife.

Memories removed, inserted, or altered in this way can specifically change the behavior of a creature, especially if the memory conflicts with the creature’s personality, beliefs, or innate tendencies. When a modified or inserted memory is illogical or nonsensical the creature vehemently believes it, defending its veracity with aggression if pushed on the matter. The true memory returns in 1d6 days or when another creature succeeds on a Persuasion check against your psionics save DC to stir its memories.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point per creature to target up to a total of 8 creatures within 30 feet of the first target (all targets experience the same effect) [requires power rating VI]; +2 psionic points for a target in combat to make its saving throw without advantage; +2 psionic points per target to make the effect permanent if the target fails the initial Charisma saving throw by 5 or more [requires power rating VI].