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Inflict Paranoia

Inflict Paranoia

-level (

You magically shatter your enemies’ comradery. Each target that fails has disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened and will not directly support an ally. For example, they will continue to fight, but not cast enhancement or healing spells on their allies, share resources with them, provide cover, or use the Help action. If a creature is already supporting an ally in this way, such as concentrating on a spell, it will immediately stop. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell’s effects on it on a successful save.

Thunder Bolt

Thunder Bolt

-level (

A peal of thunder ripples from a point you can see within range.

Reopen Rift

Reopen Rift

-level (

If any creature used teleportation or plane shift magic, such as

Antilife Shell

Antilife Shell

-level (

A barrier that glimmers with an oily rainbow hue pops into existence around you. The barrier moves with you and prevents creatures other than undead and constructs from passing or reaching through its surface. 

Antimagic Field

Antimagic Field

-level (

An invisible sphere of antimagic forms around you, moving with you and suppressing all magical effects within it. At the Narrator’s discretion, sufficiently powerful artifacts and deities may be able to ignore the sphere’s effects.

Calm Emotions

Calm Emotions

-level (

Strong and harmful emotions are suppressed within the area. You can choose which of the following two effects to apply to each target of this spell.

Circle of Death

Circle of Death

-level (

A sphere of negative energy sucks life from the area. Creatures in the area take 9d6 necrotic damage.



-level (

You create a sphere of poisonous, sickly green fog, which can spread around corners but not change shape.



-level (

You assault the minds of your targets, filling them with delusions and making them