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AC 11

HP 19 (3d8 + 6; bloodied 9)

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Proficiency +2; Maneuver DC 12

Skills Stealth +3 (+1d6)

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages Troglodyte

Stench. A non-troglodyte that starts its turn within 5 feet of the troglodyte makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw . On a failure, the creature is poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature is immune to a troglodyte’s Stench for 24 hours.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the troglodyte has disadvantage on attack rolls , as well as on Perception checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The troglodyte attacks with its bite and its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the target makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw . On a failure, it is infected with Troglodyte Stench.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Dart. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.


Troglodytes throw darts and then attack with bite and claws. They prefer to attack enemies that are not inflicted with Troglodyte Stench. They retreat if reduced to half their number or if exposed to sunlight.


Griz, Izzek, Keska, Vithen

Disease: Troglodyte Stench

A troglodyte’s bite can infect a living creature with troglodyte stench. An infected creature is poisoned and gains the following trait:

Stench. A non-troglodyte other than the creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the creature makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw . On a failure, the creature is poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature is immune to troglodyte Stench for 24 hours.

The subject makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw every 24 hours after being infected, becoming cured on a success. The disease can also be cured with lesser restoration and similar magic.

Legends and Lore

With a History or Nature check, characters can learn the following:

DC 10 An ancient culture long ago corrupted by demonic influences, today most troglodytes are brutal raiders and scavengers.

DC 15 The sickening stench troglodytes emit is transferred via their bite. Once infected with the stench, the odor is difficult to remove.

DC 20 Enclaves of troglodytes untouched by demonic corruption exist in the deepest reaches of the Underland. It is said these troglodytes practice a religion similar to that of druids on the surface world.


Descendants of an ancient subterranean culture beset by calamity, troglodytes somewhat resemble lizardfolk , at least to the extent that grimlocks resemble humans. Troglodytes encountered roaming the Underland are most often members of demonic cults that glorify filth, gluttony, and violence. These roving bands make war upon more peaceful troglodyte communities, which dwell in isolated caverns and follow the druidic traditions of their ancient culture.

A Divided People. Long ago, the ancestors of the troglodytes were among the first peoples to settle in the Underland. Occupying a niche unexplored by other cultures, they thrived until a catastrophic earthquake unsealed a chasm leading to the Abyss. This demonic gate was eventually resealed, but at great cost to the ancient troglodytes. Troglodytes are still haunted by demonic influence, and while many embrace this corruption, some resist, isolating themselves from temptation by seeking peace in the deepest caverns.

Rich Odors. Troglodytes emit a strong odor (less kindly referred to as a “stench”) that other creatures find irritating and repulsive. A troglodyte’s bite can infect others with this sickening stench, an experience few care to repeat. Troglodyte scent also contains pheromones that supplement their spoken language, adding nuance indecipherable to other peoples. Traditional linguists dismiss the troglodyte tongue as a proto-language of limited vocabulary, but druids recognise similarities with their own secret language.


Troglodyte Behavior

1 Fleeing from something

2 Scouting for a larger group

3 Emerging from a hidden door or concealed tunnel

4 Xenophobic and hostile

Troglodyte Cultist Behavior

1 Driving a stumbling, retching prisoner before them

2 Chewing gobbets of rotting flesh

3 Scrawling disturbing pictographs

4 Lounging in filth; attack on sight

5 Pleasantly satisfied after a horrific feast, crunching bones and licking blood from the floor. Personal effects of their victim have been tossed nearby

6 Laying siege against a peaceful troglodyte enclave


1-3 Foul smell

4 Pictographs on the cavern walls

5 Stairs crudely carved into a cliff face

6 A demonic idol smeared with blood and filth


Troglodytes inhabit caverns and rove ancient, subterranean highways.

CR 0–2 1 or 2 troglodytes

Treasure carved bone necklace (25 gp)

CR 3–4 3 or 4 troglodytes

Treasure idol of purple stone (125 gp), 2 potions of superior healing

CR 5–10 1d6 + 4 troglodytes ; 2 troglodytes with hezrou , mage, shadow demon , or troll

Treasure potion recipes written in troglodyte, 2 potions of hill giant strength , potion of invisibility

Monster Type Description

Humanoids include a number of different intelligent, language-using bipeds of Small or Medium size. Humans and elves are humanoids, and so are orcs and goblins. Humanoids may employ magic but are not fundamentally magical—a characteristic that distinguishes them from bipedal, language-using fey, fiends, and other monsters. Humanoids have no inherent alignment, meaning that no humanoid ancestry is naturally good or evil, lawful or chaotic.