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Altitude Sickness

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(1 day)

When an adventurer rapidly travels to great heights, even those with the most powerful constitutions face the risk of altitude sickness. After a half a day in the heights headaches, dizziness, and shortness of breath are the initial symptoms of what can become a fatal condition.

Born to the Heights. Creatures who were born or raised in high elevation (such as those from the Mountain Born culture) automatically succeed at this challenge.

Planned Ascent. An adventurer can plan a careful schedule with a successful Survival check, ensuring they and any companions do not climb too quickly and consume plenty of extra fluids. Those following the schedule automatically succeed, but their travel time is doubled and they consume an additional Supply each day.

Possible Solutions
  • There is no guaranteed way to avoid altitude sickness if moving swiftly. Adventurers must hope they are hardy enough to acclimatize quickly or can return to lower ground in as short a time as possible. Each adventurer makes a Constitution saving throw .

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure. All adventurers face the worst effects of the sickness and immediately suffer a level of fatigue . Every four hours after this, the adventurers suffer an additional level of fatigue unless they have been descending, or taking a short or long rest . Additionally, they are rattled until they have been below the tree line for two days or succeed at this challenge, at which point the effect ends.

Failure. Each adventurer who fails immediately suffers a level of fatigue , but is able to struggle on.

Success. Despite the discomfort, the adventurers are able to continue without noticeable impact.

Critical Success. The adventurers are able to enjoy the crisp air and stunning views, as well as take the time to look around. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.