Occult Blade
Shadow Stalker
Throwing Ace
Skulking out of sight, striking from the shadows, and causing mayhem and misdirection, burglars rely on luck and charm as much as on their considerable skill with blades. While many burglars are professional criminals, others are mobile scouts, gamblers, or expert treasure hunters.
Unfair Advantage
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can create new ways to get the drop on your opponent. Choose one of the following options.
Whenever you deal sneak attack damage with a melee weapon, you roll d8s instead of d6s for your sneak attack damage.
Deuces Wild
When you roll a natural 2 on the d20 roll on an attack roll or ability check, you may reroll it. You must accept the second roll. Also, you may reroll any sneak attack damage die on which you roll a 2. You must accept the second roll.
Bonus Expertise
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Sleight of Hand, and you gain an expertise die on checks using it and when using thieves’ tools. For you, expertise dice in Sleight of Hand and thieves’ tools can be upgraded from d8 to d10, exceeding the usual limit on expertise dice. You can use your Cunning Action to make a Sleight of Hand check or to use thieves’ tools.
Starting at 9th level, you add your Dexterity modifier (minimum 1) to damage when making an attack using two weapon fighting. Additionally, you can use your Cunning Action to draw and throw, or pick up and throw, a weapon or improvised weapon.
Legitimate Business
Also at 9th level, you have advantage on any ability check made to find a buyer or seller of an item.
Pointed Wit
At 13th level, your words are as cutting as your blade. Choose one of the following options.
Conversational Parry
You may reroll one failed Deception check. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest .
Disarming Manner
You have advantage on ability checks made to make peace or end hostility.
Verbal Riposte
When a creature threatens you or attempts an Intimidation check against you, you can use your reaction to make an Intimidation check against it with advantage . On a success, the creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest .
Improved Backstab
Starting at 17th level, you gain the Backstab feature. If you already have Backstab, whenever you deal sneak attack damage with a melee weapon, you roll d10s instead of d8s for your sneak attack damage.