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Some scientists work outside the mainstream, devising new and innovative applications of technology. Often, these scientists are looked down upon by the scientific community and viewed as scoundrel at best, and as fools at worst. However, it is often only commercial success which separates such outsiders from those lauded and admired by their fellows.

1st LevelI Made This

At 1st level, you gain an additional scientific praxis. Additionally, your Science save DC increases by 1.

1st LevelTools of Science

Additionally at 1st level you gain an engineer’s toolbox which is your tool of science..

1st LevelAnalytical Attack

Also at 1st level you can use an action to make an attack against a creature with your choice of the construct, ooze, or plant type (chosen when you first gain this feature). The attack is made as normal with a a weapon which you are wielding, but does no damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your maneuver DC or gain your choice of the blinded, deafened, or slowed condition until the end of its next turn.

Alternatively, you can choose to inflict the charmed, confused, or restrained condition, but the target makes its saving throw with advantage.

2nd LevelScientific Breakthrough

At 2nd level, you start to uncover scientific secrets not known to your peers. Choose from one of the following options:

Augmentation. You gain +1 to one of your ability scores, to a maximum of 20.

Cybernetics. You gain one cybernetic enhancement implant (see Chapter 3: Equipment).

Medicine. You develop an immediate cure for one malady (see Chapter 7: Planetside).

Time Travel. You begin to understand the basic tenets of time travel. You can use an action to activate a device which can pause time until the end of your next turn for everybody within 30 feet except you. Those within the zone are unable to act and cannot perceive the passage of time. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you have finished a long rest.

6th LevelContinued Research

At 6th level, you gain an additional scientific praxis.

10th LevelAdvanced Breakthrough

At 10th level, the scientific breakthrough you chose at 2nd level improves as you continue to unlock new and exciting science.

Augmentation. You gain an additional +1 to one of your ability scores, to a maximum of 22.

Cybernetics. You are no longer limited by your proficiency bonus when determining how many cyberware devices you may use (see Chapter 3: Equipment).

Medicine. You develop an immediate cure for all maladies (see Chapter 7: Planetside).

Time Travel. Your time travel device allows you to travel back in time and prepare for all eventualities. As an action, you may retroactively do one thing you might feasibly have done in the last 24 hours which would have taken no longer than 5 minutes. The Narrator will determine whether or not the action you choose is feasible. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you have finished a long rest.

Incredible Discovery14th Level

At 14th level, you make the most incredible discovery of your career and invent a mysterious device which is your gateway to the universe. This device looks however you like (although the Narrator might have a particular artifact in mind for you to use), and uses nearly inconceivable technology like temporospatial tesseract folding or quantum improbability. The device cannot be operated by anybody other than you.

By spending 10 minutes, you can use this device to open a portal in an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet. The portal takes up a Medium-sized space, but its actual dimensions are indeterminate. It leads to any other point in the universe you designate (even locations you only know by description) and remains open for up to one hour.

The device is not 100% reliable, and while you can choose your destination, you are only guaranteed to arrive near the target at a location chosen by the Narrator.  At the Narrator’s discretion, at 20th level your device improves further and your portal can traverse not just the universe but the whole multiverse and even different time periods. The planes of existence, eras, timelines, and transcendent states available are up to the sole discretion of the Narrator.

Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you have finished a long rest.