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Blasters, swords, and grenades all have their place, but everyone knows that the pen–or indeed, the word–is mightier than the sword, and envoys wield a subtle power based on influence, information, and interpersonal connections. From ambassadors to entertainers, envoys rely on skill and charisma to negotiate the challenges that face them.

3rd LevelCultural Expertise

At 3rd level you gain proficiency in Culture and three of the following list: Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion. Additionally, you gain two Culture specialities and two languages of your choice.

3rd LevelAlways The Right Words

Also at 3rd level, you are able to inspire your allies to greater heights. You have a pool of envoy dice equal to your proficiency bonus. You can use your reaction to expend one envoy die whenever an ally who can hear and understand you makes an ability check or saving throw. That ally may roll the envoy die and add it to the result of their original die roll.

Your envoy die is a d4. You can donate multiple envoy dice to the same ability check or saving throw; in this case, the envoy dice act like expertise dice, and increase–to a maximum of a d8–in die size by one stage for each additional envoy die, from d4 to d6, to d8.

You regain spent uses of your envoy dice after you have finished a long rest.

6th LevelUniversal Translator

Beginning at 6th level, your linguistic expertise is unparalleled. You can make a DC 10 Culture check to understand, speak, and sign in any currently used language. If you fail the check, you cannot attempt to do so again with that language until at least one week has passed, during which you are able to brush up on linguistic patterns and commonalities.

6th LevelSilver Tongue

Also at 6th level, you can sway people to your way of thinking, either with a speech, an appeal to a creature’s own cultural interests, a threat, a clever web of lies, or a musical performance. You must be proficient in Persuasion to use a speech, Insight to use an appeal, Intimidation to use a threat, Deception to use lies, or Performance to use music. All creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your clever tricks save DC.

On a failed save a creature gains the charmed condition for one minute. After one minute, and every minute thereafter, they may make another saving throw. The condition ends when the creature makes a successful saving throw.

Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until after you have finished a long rest.

Allies Everywhere14th Level

At 14th level, you have allies–or those in your debt–everywhere. You may ‘reveal’ an undisclosed ally, who might be a member of an enemy’s retinue, a government official, or somebody with access to important facilities or resources, but it cannot be the leader of those who oppose you.

As an action, target a creature with whom you can communicate and who can understand you. Your prospective ally must make a Wisdom saving throw against your clever tricks save DC. On a failed save, that ally will immediately begin to work with you, even turning on their employers or supposed former allies. Your ally will work with you until you next take a long rest, after which their obligation to you is fulfilled and you cannot recruit them again. As part of this feature, your ally may have secretly performed an action in the past 24 hours which they would have been capable of and had opportunity to carry out.

Once you have successfully used this feature you cannot use it again until you have finished a long rest.