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The advance of technology replaced roadside scams and games of chance with more sophisticated schemes. The ability to suss out a poor password can be just as valuable as a pretty face, and scammers often steal fortunes all from entire worlds away. Why take any risk when playing the subtle trade online offers the security of anonymity?

3rd LevelDigital Confidence

At 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you gain an expertise die on computers checks and on hacking tools checks. In addition, you can use Dastardly Gambit on yourself when making a hacking tools check, adding the die roll to your result.

3rd LevelWireless Swindler

Also at 3rd level, you learn all the nuances of a seasoned confidence scammer from behind the safety of a firewall. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can initiate hacking a device as a bonus action.
  • You may always choose to use Charisma when making a hacking tools check.
  • When you perform the Digital Pickpocket hacking maneuver, it only costs you 1 countdown die.

6th LevelCyberspace Chameleon

Beginning at 6th level, you set custom virtual avatars and rerouters that allow you to appear however you like online. Whenever you communicate through a device you may choose to look and sound like a specific person you’re familiar with, an online persona, or simply as an unknown figure. Creatures can see through this ruse by making an Insight check against your clever tricks save DC, but on a success it remains unclear who you are, only revealing that your transmission is masked. In addition, you can reroute your location data to a different false location, and successful counter hacking attempts to trace your location only yield your chosen false location.

Virulent Hacker14th Level

At 14th level, you’ve created devastating viruses and learned how to convince the unwary to let you into their systems. As an action, you may target a sentient device, an augmented creature, or a creature currently crewing or piloting a device that can hear you. The target makes a Charisma saving throw against your clever tricks save DC or you infect it with an insidious computer virus. So long as you remain hacking the device any attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws made by or made using the hacked device have disadvantage. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until after you finish a long rest.