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Sometimes you need a rogue to catch a rogue, and sleuths have to be familiar with all the tricks of the trade. Sometimes, the only difference is what side of the law you’re on. Sleuths are experts at uncovering the truth, following clues, and solving mysteries. Some are detectives employed by the government, while others operate solo as private investigators or as part of a group.

3rd LevelNatural Intuition

At 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you gain an expertise die on Insight and Investigation checks and you also gain the detecting lies Insight speciality.

3rd LevelRegistration Lookup

Also at 3rd level, you have access to official registration records–whether legally or via a ‘friend’ in law enforcement–and can request the registered owner and address of a starship as long as you know it’s registration ID– often displayed on the hull of a ship, but also automatically available by its transponder code. The process usually takes one hour.

6th LevelI Need A Location On The Suspect

Beginning at 6th level, you become adept at finding your target by using official–and unofficial–databases, old connections, and other surveillance techniques. When trying to locate an individual, you have advantage on that check. You can narrow your target down to a planetary body, but if you critically succeed on the check, you can pinpoint it to a city or other settlement. You can use the following methods (or others with the Narrator’s approval) to locate your target:

  • Use databases with an Intelligence (computers) check.
  • Contact old friends and allies with a Charisma (investigation) check.

The DC of the check is based on the target’s distance:

Same settlement DC 13

Same planet DC 15

Same system DC 17

Nearby system DC 19

Distant system DC 21

Different galaxy DC 24

If the target is deliberately hiding or undercover, you have disadvantage on your check. At 9th level you can use this feature to locate a specific, obscure type of object or person, such as an expert hacker or rare source of trilithium.

There’s Something Wrong Here14th Level

Starting at 14th level, you gain advantage on ability checks made to spot hidden objects, from concealed weapons to secret compartments (if you are using a passive check, simply add 5 to your passive score as usual).