Bounty Hunter
True dedication is needed to track down a mark across the vast universe and bring them to justice—or to drag them back to whoever’s paying for their hide. Bounty hunting is a profession that has stood the test of time, and even in the age of space travel there will always be a need to find those who wish to remain hidden. Bounty hunters are experts trackers, stalking their prey for glory and profit no matter how many lightyears their trail is long.
Eclectic Ordnance
Bounty hunters are known for their unusual weapons. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, every weapon with the exotic property becomes a favored ordnance weapon for you. In addition, when you deal damage with a favored ordnance weapon that reduces one or more creatures to 0 hit points, you can choose to stabilize one of the creatures knocked unconscious by it.
On the Hunt
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Perception and Survival. In addition, you have advantage on checks made to detect hidden creatures.
Hunting Tactics
Starting at 7th level, you develop tactics needed for tracking down and subduing your bounties. You learn one of the following features.
Eye for Faces. No matter the disguise, once you get a read on your mark you’d know it anywhere. By spending at least a minute chatting with and closely observing a creature, you can memorize it and its mannerisms. You can instantly and accurately recognize any creature you memorize in this way, and you can automatically see through any disguise it uses so long as you are able to both see it and hear it speak. In addition, you gain an expertise die on Insight checks.
Self-Reliant. Bounty hunters are often on their own for months at a time as they follow the trail. You gain a 1d6 expertise die on any check made to hunt or gather food, and you do not suffer levels of fatigue due to travel pace. In addition, you are immune to the effects of roughing it and gain an expertise die on Survival checks.
Skilled Tracker. Whenever you make a Perception check or Survival check to track or to perform the Track journey activity and the d20 result is less than 10, you can count the d20 result as being 10.
Quarry Brawler
Also at 7th level, you become adept at the sort of brawling needed to bring in your bounties. You can use a bonus action to perform a Disarm, Grab On, Grapple, Knockdown, or Shove basic maneuver. In addition, whenever you would deal basic melee damage, you may deal your favored ordnance damage instead.
At 16th level, you may perform up to two of the above basic maneuvers using the same bonus action.
At 10th level you start to appreciate that the “alive” part of dead or alive takes more effort but usually pays better. Whenever you deal your favored ordnance damage to a creature while it is bloodied, it makes a Constitution saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failed save the creature is knocked unconscious for 1 hour. A creature knocked unconscious in this way can repeat the saving throw when it takes damage or if another adjacent creature uses an action to wake it. Once a creature successfully saves against this feature it is immune to Knockout for the next 24 hours.
Apex Hunter
Beginning at 15th level, your name on a docket is a verifiable guarantee that your target will be caught. You gain every feature from Hunting Tactics instead of only selecting one.
You’re Coming With Me
At 18th level you can bring in even the most dangerous bounties. You may at any time choose a creature you can see and mark it. The mark lasts until you choose to end it or until you use this feature to mark another target. You gain an expertise die on attacks against the marked target, as well as on Perception and Survival checks made to track or locate it. In addition, the marked target has disadvantage on saving throws against your maneuver DC. Once you mark a creature in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.