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Some troopers receive more extensive and covert training, acting as special forces deep within enemy territory and completing vital missions. More than footsoldiers, operatives are elite specialists that can accomplish tasks with tact and precision before the enemy is even aware of their presence. These disciplined warriors often keep their contacts long after official military service ends, leading to many to take freelance missions that even officially enlisted wetwork teams won’t touch.

Level 3Alpha Strike

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, whenever you hit a surprised target and add your favored ordnance damage die you add an additional favored ordnance damage die.

Level 3Armored Stealth

Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Stealth. During a long rest, you can customize even the heaviest suit of armor to make sure it doesn’t hinder your abilities. If you do so, that piece of armor does not give you disadvantage on Stealth checks. Any other creature wearing that same suit of armor still suffers disadvantage on Stealth checks as normal.

Level 7Clean Kills

Beginning at 7th level, whenever you make an attack using a weapon with the long-range or scoped weapon augment, you ignore the disadvantage normally incurred by firing at a target beyond the weapon’s normal range and you may reroll any favored ordnance die results of 1. In addition, you gain an expertise die on Stealth checks, and while you are hidden any checks made to locate you from 30 or more feet away have disadvantage.

At 16th level, whenever you make an attack using a weapon with the long-range or scoped weapon augment, any favored ordnance damage dice you would roll instead deal their maximum result.

Level 7Infiltration Tactics

Also at 7th level, you develop infiltration tactics that allow you to operate deep within hostile territory. You learn one of the following features.

Dark Ops. You can see normally in darkness to a range of 60 feet. If you already have or gain darkvision from some other source, the range of your darkvision instead increases by 60 feet. In addition, when you are in dim light (or darker) and a weapon attack hits you, you can use your reaction to roll your favored ordnance die, reducing the damage by the result.

Ghost Protocols. Whenever you make a Stealth check and the d20 result is less than 10, your roll is treated as a 10.

Silent Takedown. Whenever you successfully grapple a creature, you can choose to make that grapple silently. When you do, the creature you grapple cannot speak or make any loud noises while it remains grappled. Grapples can be attempted in this way while hidden. Creatures you grapple while hidden also become hidden, using your Stealth check as its own.

Level 10

Tactical Reposition

At 10th level you know that a good sniper relocates after every shot. Whenever you make an attack using a weapon that has the longranged or scoped weapon augments you can use your reaction to immediately move up to your Speed and take the Hide action.

Level 15

Phantom Agent

Starting at 15th level, you rarely leave any evidence that an operation took place at all. You learn all the tactics listed in the Infiltration Tactics feature.

18th LevelClean Sweep

At 18th level, while wielding a ranged weapon with a long-ranged or scoped weapon augment, you can use an action to expend 5 shots of ammunition in a clean sweep, attacking up to 5 surprised creatures you can see within the weapon’s range, rolling separately for each. When hit, a creature makes a Wisdom saving throw against your maneuver DC. On a failure, it is still surprised at the beginning of the next round.