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Carnivorous Fish

th tier (
(less than 1 hour)

This river isn’t particularly deep or fast, but a shoal of hungry fish patrol its waters.

Fly Away. The use of fly or similar magic (except levitate ) triggers a critical success for that adventurer.

Food Bribery. The party can give away a number of Supply equal to twice the number of adventurers to distract the fish, granting them an expertise die on checks made to overcome this challenge.

Natural Knowledge. A successful Nature check identifies the fish as a sort known to be highly aggressive but rarely deadly.

Wait. A successful Survival check reveals that the fish are least active at night and crossing will be less dangerous. If the party waits, they have advantage on checks made to cross it then.

Possible Solutions

Each adventurer decides for themselves how to navigate the crossing as part of a group check.

An Acrobatics or Athletics check can be used to wade through the water quickly or jump from rock to rock. This check is made with disadvantage if the party has pack animals. Alternatively, an Engineering check (or a check made with tools the Narrator deems appropriate) can build a raft or other floating device at the cost of 1 hour and 1d4 gold worth of materials.

Critical Failure. The party is harried by the fi sh at every step. Each adventurer takes 11 (2d10) piercing damage and loses 3 (1d4 + 1) Supply to the river.

Failure. Each adventurer that failed takes 5 (1d10) piercing damage and loses 2 (1d4) Supply .

Success. The party crosses the river with little issue.

Critical Success. The adventurers are entirely unbothered by the fish, and even find something interesting on the opposite shore. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.