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Corpse Plant Stench

th tier (
(less than 1 hour)

The telltale smell of a corpse or other dead and rotting creature has filled the air, getting stronger and more foul every minute.

Dense Canopy. The tree foliage vines, and foliage here are exceptionally thick. Adventurers using a fly speed treat this area as difficult terrain .

Alternate Trait: Dense Undergrowth. The bushes and other low-growing plants are exceptionally thick here, rendering it difficult terrain .

Foulest of Smells. Adventurers that have advantage on Perception rolls or other rolls that have to do with smell can find themselves debilitated by the horrid stench. They must make a Constitution saving throw when first encountering the smell, becoming rattled on a failure. They may retry this smell once per hour they are still in the presence of the corpse flower. Once they pass such a test, they are immune to the effects of corpse flowers until the end of their next long rest .

Natural Knowledge. A successful Nature or Survival check reveals that the source of the smell is a corpse flower, a set of species of plants that smell atrocious as a method of attracting insects that feed on dead animals.

Situational Solution. Use of equipment that can completely block out smells triggers an automatic success for that adventurer.

Possible Solutions

A group Nature or Survival check can be used to find and identify the specific plant, as well as how to safely destroy the mature flowers. Alternately, the party can attempt to cover their mouths and noses, each choosing whether to make a Medicine or Nature check. Finally, the adventurers can roll Constitution checks to simply power through the awful reek.

Critical Failure. Nothing works to help with the horrid stench, and it seems to have seeped into nearly everything the party owns. All adventurers suffer a level of strife and make all Persuasion or Performance checks against creatures that can smell at disadvantage for the next 2 (1d4) days. Additionally, each loses 3 (1d4 + 1) Supply .

Failure. The swarms of bugs attracted by the corpse flower causes some spoilage of the party’s food as countless bugs and rodents get into them. Each adventurer loses 1 Supply .

Success. The party gets past or otherwise deals with the corpse flowers and continue on your way without incident.

Critical Success. The adventurers overcome the terrible smell and finds something useful along the way. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.