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Caltrop Mines

nd tier (
(less than 1 hour)

A faint hum can be detected in a seemingly empty area. Cloaked, unseen explosive mines hover in the zone, exploding the first time a creature moves on its turn while within the zone.

Trap. The existence and locations of cloaked objects can be detected with a DC 17 Engineering, Search, or passive Perception check, granting each voidrunner an expertise die on checks made to overcome this challenge or allowing them to avoid it entirely by choosing an alternate route.

Possible Solutions
  • As an action, a creature can attempt an Acrobatics, Athletics, Engineering, Perception, Search, or Stealth check to avoid nearby mines.
  • A creature in the area can attempt a hacking tools check to disable all the mines. A success on this check counts as a critical success, and a failure counts as a critical failure.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure. All the mines in the area explode. Each creature in the area or within 10 feet of it makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save or half the damage on a success. The caltrop minefield is permanently destroyed.

Failure. A mine touches the creature and explodes, dealing 21 (6d6) fire damage.

Success. Until the end of its turn, the creature can move through the area without triggering mines.

Critical Success. The creature accidentally or purposely triggers a deactivation switch. All the mines harmlessly self-destruct, permanently destroying the minefield.