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Psychic Storm

nd tier (
(time varies)

A local star, quasar, or other phenomenon swamps the area with a deadly storm of psychic energy.

Possible Solutions
  • The party can make an Engineering check to construct a suitable shelter, or a group Survival check to push through the storm.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure. Everyone in the area is overcome by psychic energy. Affected creatures take 16 (3d6) psychic damage. Each creature makes a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or they contract psychic melancholia.

Failure. Everyone in the area is overcome by psychic energy. Affected creatures take 16 (3d6) psychic damage.

Success. The crew is able to avoid the ravages of the storm.

Critical Success. The party pushes through the storm and finds something interesting. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.