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Six-Loa Saber

Weapon, Legendary (requires attunement; cost 433334 gp)
Crafting Components

Six weapons of a marilith.

Weapon (scimitar)

This famed blade served a Risuri named Aodhan Lesterman from his time as a privateer up through his reign as king. You have a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls with this weapon. The item is sentient, with Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, and Charisma 16. Six spirits reside within, and each must be appeased with some mayhem of its preferred variety at least once a month.

Each loa can be called upon once between short rests for a magical ability. The effect is determined by the loa you call upon.

Brawler Loa. On your turn you cause a creature you can see within 60 feet to make a DC 19 Charisma saving throw. If it succeeds, it takes 20 psychic damage as it fights off possession. If it fails and has more than 40 hit points, it takes 40 psychic damage. If it fails and has 40 or fewer hit points, you control it for one minute, as dominate monster, though the only commands you can give it are to attack. During this time the creature laughs raucously. When the domination ends, the creature takes 40 psychic damage. This psychic damage cannot kill a living creature.

Burner Loa. At the end of your turn you can choose to set fire to each creature you hit with the sword this turn. Each creature takes 2d10 ongoing fire damage until it spends an action to extinguish the flames.

Butcher Loa. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, you can choose to affect the creature you hit as if you had used the savant trick surgical flourish (DC 19).

Cheater Loa. When a melee weapon attack misses you, you can use your reaction to disarm your attacker if they fail a DC 19 Strength saving throw.

Dancer Loa. As a bonus action, either teleport the sword to your hand, or you to the sword, across any distance.

Drinker Loa. If you killed a living creature this turn, as a bonus action you can spend any number of hit dice to heal.