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Regenerate Tissue

Regenerate Tissue


You pour healing energy into a living creature. The target is restored to maximum hit points, and any conditions, except for tracked conditions, on it end.

Redirection Portal

Redirection Portal


You create a pair of tiny space-time portals which intercept a moving missile or energy attack and redirect it in another direction. As a reaction, select one ranged attack whose target is within range of the power and make a ranged psionic attack. The attack is redirected at any other target within the power’s range, using your ranged psionic attack as the attack roll.




You tweak the trajectory of a moving object. Mundane ranged ammunition or melee weapon attacks redirected in this way gain an expertise die to hit, or the target increases its AC against the attack by 1d4 (your choice).

Reactive Boost

Reactive Boost

Concentration ()

You move a leaping creature or thrown object. It travels an extra 20 feet. If ammunition was fired as part of an attack, this extended range counts as long range (instead of out of range), and the attack roll has disadvantage.

Surge. You can spend additional psionic points to increase the effect’s boost distance by 20 feet per psionic point.

Pyrotechnic Conduit

Pyrotechnic Conduit


A burst of flame explodes in a 10-foot radius around a spot you choose within range. The fire spreads around corners and ignites unattended flammable objects. Each creature in the area takes 6d6 fire damage. On a successful Dexterity saving throw, a creature takes half damage.

The damage increases by 1d6 each time your power rating increases beyond III.




You learn a single piece of important information from an object you touch or a location you are in. The size of the location is at the discretion of the Narrator, but is usually not bigger than a single room.

Psychic Thrust

Psychic Thrust


You push a target with pure psychic energy. Make a psionic attack roll against the target’s armor class. On a hit you deal 1d4 force damage and push the target 10 feet. Creatures or objects of size Huge or larger, or objects that are anchored (such as doors) are not pushed, but they still take the damage.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the push effect to 10 feet, and +2 psionic points to affect Huge creatures.

Psychic Touch

Psychic Touch


You sense the presence of psychic energies and psionic activities within an object or creature you can touch. You automatically know if the creature or object has been psychically altered or imbued with psychic energy.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to determine the psionic discipline the creature or object has been imbued with.

Psychic Resuscitation

Psychic Resuscitation


You pour psionic energy into a creature which has died in the last hour. The target returns to life with full hit points, and is cured of any wounds, poisons or diseases it had at the time of death.

The target has 4 levels of fatigue and 4 levels of strife when it wakes. In addition, you also gain 2 levels of fatigue.

The stress on the target’s physiology is intense; a creature can only be revived with this power once per year.

Surge. You can spend +2 psionic points to resuscitate creatures which have died in the last 24 hours.

Psionic Reflection

Psionic Reflection


You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, redirecting it at a target of your choosing. The power’s level must be less than your power rating. Make a manifesting ability check (DC 10 + the power’s level). On a success, you can choose a new target for the creature’s power within the power’s range.

If the creature spent any surge points to manifest its power, you must spend an equivalent number of points to reflect it, otherwise this power fails.