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Psionic Disruption

Psionic Disruption


You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of manifesting a psychic power, dissipating the energy used. If the power’s level is greater than your power rating, the psionic disruption fails and has no effect. If the power’s level is equal to or less than your power rating, make a manifesting ability check (DC 10 + the power’s level). On a success, the creature’s power fails and has no effect.

Project Objects

Project Objects


You lift several pebble-sized objects within range and hurl them with your mind. Make a ranged psionic attack with the objects against a target within range. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your manifesting ability modifier.

The base damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target an additional creature or object within 30 feet of the first target [requires power rating II].

Memory Control

Memory Control


You steal or alter a creature’s thoughts or memories. The target has advantage on its saving throw if you or your allies are in combat with it. When you manifest this power, select one of the following options:

Alter Memory. You dictate changes to any memories of an event that took place within the last 24 hours and lasted 10 minutes or less to the target in a language you both understand.

Kinetic Barrage

Kinetic Barrage


With immense psionic power you fling down a storm of psychic force that barrages a 20-foot radius dealing 35 (10d6) force damage to each creature in the area.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to deal psychic damage and force targets to make an Intelligence saving throw instead [requires power rating VI].




Choose an unoccupied space within range between the source of a ranged attack and that attack’s intended target. You move a solid object into that space. The attack is made at disadvantage, or the target makes their saving throw at advantage.

Gravitic Fling

Gravitic Fling


You grab your target with the power of your mind and repeatedly smash it into the ground, the ceiling, walls, or nearby objects. The target makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure the target takes 10d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (your choice) damage and is knocked prone. On a successful saving throw, the target takes half damage and is not knocked prone.

Future Vision

Future Vision


You use future knowledge to avoid an attack or other effect. As a reaction, after the effects of an attack, power, trap, or other event have been resolved, you can choose to avoid the effects of that event. This avoidance must be possible by the use of actions you are capable of which take one round or less to complete (you cannot dodge an attack while restrained, or move a mile to escape an orbital bombardment, for example) but it does not require any saving throw or ability check.

Fold Space

Fold Space


The target, along with all creatures and objects contained therein, is instantly transported to an unoccupied space at a location you have been to before on the same planet.

At power rating VII you can target a space vehicle you are on board and fold space to any planetary system you have been to before. You arrive near that destination in an unoccupied location chosen by the Narrator, typically in orbit of a specific planet, moon, or other satellite.

Drain Power

Drain Power


Make a melee psionic attack against an adjacent creature. On a success you reduce that creature’s current psionic points total by 1d4+1 psionic points.

If the target has no psionic points, this power has no effect.




You instantly teleport to an adjacent space you can see when targeted by an attack that you are aware of. If the attack can still hit you, it proceeds as normal; otherwise it misses.