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A massive explosion of energy bursts from you in all directions, blasting everything within 30 feet. Choose an energy type when you first learn this power from fire, cold, thunder, or lightning. All creatures and objects within the area make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 10d8 damage of the type you selected and are pushed 10 feet and knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage and are not pushed or knocked prone.

Psychic Resuscitation

Psychic Resuscitation


You pour psionic energy into a creature which has died in the last hour. The target returns to life with full hit points, and is cured of any wounds, poisons or diseases it had at the time of death.

The target has 4 levels of fatigue and 4 levels of strife when it wakes. In addition, you also gain 2 levels of fatigue.

The stress on the target’s physiology is intense; a creature can only be revived with this power once per year.

Surge. You can spend +2 psionic points to resuscitate creatures which have died in the last 24 hours.

Point Singularity

Point Singularity

Concentration ()

You create a singularity–a miniature black hole–which remains in the target square for the power’s duration.

Any object or creature which begins its turn in that square and which is able to move makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure, or if it is unable to move, the creature or object takes 10d12 bludgeoning damage and is restrained until the start of its next turn; on a successful saving throw it moves into an adjacent square and is not restrained.



Concentration ()

The target makes a manifesting ability saving throw or its thoughts turn inward upon itself creating an internal reality from which it cannot easily escape. If it does not have the ability to use psionic power, it rolls an Intelligence saving throw with disadvantage.

Kinetic Barrage

Kinetic Barrage


With immense psionic power you fling down a storm of psychic force that barrages a 20-foot radius dealing 35 (10d6) force damage to each creature in the area.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to deal psychic damage and force targets to make an Intelligence saving throw instead [requires power rating VI].

Future Vision

Future Vision


You use future knowledge to avoid an attack or other effect. As a reaction, after the effects of an attack, power, trap, or other event have been resolved, you can choose to avoid the effects of that event. This avoidance must be possible by the use of actions you are capable of which take one round or less to complete (you cannot dodge an attack while restrained, or move a mile to escape an orbital bombardment, for example) but it does not require any saving throw or ability check.

Fortress of Iron Will

Fortress of Iron Will


You can exert your will to manifest a floating safehouse to guard you and those under your protection. The structure counts as a haven and can take any form you imagine (such as a building, garden, spaceship, or the like) that comfortably accommodates 4 Medium creatures and 1 Large creature. The structure occupies a physical space with up to 200 square feet of floor space. Creatures within the safehouse cannot be targeted by a psionic or other supernatural attack.



Concentration ()

You fortify yourself with psychic energy. You gain resistance to all damage types, immunity to poison, and advantage on all saving throws. Additionally, when you would take half damage from an effect which deals half damage on a successful  saving throw, you instead take no damage.

Fold Space

Fold Space


The target, along with all creatures and objects contained therein, is instantly transported to an unoccupied space at a location you have been to before on the same planet.

At power rating VII you can target a space vehicle you are on board and fold space to any planetary system you have been to before. You arrive near that destination in an unoccupied location chosen by the Narrator, typically in orbit of a specific planet, moon, or other satellite.

Crushing Psyche

Crushing Psyche

Concentration ()

You drop the full weight of your psychic consciousness upon a creature, erasing its identity from its own mind. The target makes a Charisma saving throw or immediately loses all memory of who they are (creatures with a CR higher than your level gain advantage on this save). They retain all skills and abilities but cannot recall how they got them. Roll a d20 on the New Identity table to determine its new self-identity. This power only affects creatures with an Intelligence of 6 or higher.