Mama Bear's Revenge: Into the Woods
The PCs can make their way into the woods by following Barkey’s directions to the bear’s lair. The way is not long (5 miles), but it is a rather treacherous journey through rolling grasslands and rough rocky hills.
Along the way, the PCs must face the some perils. Use the suggested challenged below; alternatively choose or roll on the rolling grasslands tier 0 exploration table. All creatures are sentient and can speak.

- Chatter, an eagle hails the PCs from above. He fills in any gaps in the PC’s story and describes what is going on at Mama Bear’s cave. He also explains that he just wants to go back to being a dumb eagle. He’ll assist the PCs in any way that he can, and points the way to Mama Bear’s cave.
- The flooded Moor-Run river blocks the PC’s path ( Bridge of Stones exploration challenge); or the PCs can ask the awakened fish for a safe crossing point.
- A pair of boars accost the PCs as they make their way along a ledge (15 feet wide, with a 30 foot drop to the side). The boars have painted themselves ritually with red mud, and are acting as sentries. Should the fight go poorly, the boars attempt to escape to warn Mama Bear of the PCs.
- A sheer cliff must be scaled to reach the bear’s cave. The cliff is 30 feet high, with a DC 15 Athletics check required. While climbing, the PCs are attacked by three eagles .
- A confused awakened tree stands in the PCs’ path along a narrow slot canyon. The plant is not immediately hostile. Indeed, it willingly lets the PCs pass, only attacking if provoked. The tree questions its place in life, and asks the PCs for advice and their own purposes.